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Frontiers, Opportunities, and Challenges in Biochemical and Chemical Catalysis of CO2 Fixation

Author(s): Appel, Aaron M; Bercaw, John E; Bocarsly, Andrew B; Dobbek, Holger; DuBois, Daniel L; et al

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Abstract: Two major energy-related problems confront the world in the next 50 years. First, increased worldwide competition for gradually depleting fossil fuel reserves (derived from past photosynthesis) will lead to higher costs, both monetarily and politically. Second, atmospheric CO2 levels are at their highest recorded level since records began. Further increases are predicted to produce large and uncontrollable impacts on the world climate. These projected impacts extend beyond climate to ocean acidification, because the ocean is a major sink for atmospheric CO2.1 Providing a future energy supply that is secure and CO2-neutral will require switching to nonfossil energy sources such as wind, solar, nuclear, and geothermal energy and developing methods for transforming the energy produced by these new sources into forms that can be stored, transported, and used upon demand.
Publication Date: 14-Jul-2013
Citation: Appel, Aaron M, Bercaw, John E, Bocarsly, Andrew B, Dobbek, Holger, DuBois, Daniel L, Dupuis, Michel, Ferry, James G, Fujita, Etsuko, Hille, Russ, Kenis, Paul JA, Kerfeld, Cheryl A, Morris, Robert H, Peden, Charles HF, Portis, Archie R, Ragsdale, Stephen W, Rauchfuss, Thomas B, Reek, Joost NH, Seefeldt, Lance C, Thauer, Rudolf K, Waldrop, Grover L. (2013). Frontiers, Opportunities, and Challenges in Biochemical and Chemical Catalysis of CO2 Fixation. Chemical reviews, 113 (6621 - 6658. doi:10.1021/cr300463y
DOI: doi:10.1021/cr300463y
ISSN: 0009-2665
Pages: 6621 - 6658
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: Chemical reviews
Version: Author's manuscript

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