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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
14-Aug-2018Autonomous Biogeochemical Floats Detect Significant Carbon Dioxide Outgassing in the High-Latitude Southern OceanGray, Alison R; Johnson, Kenneth S; Bushinsky, Seth M; Riser, Stephen C; Russell, Joellen L, et al
22-Jan-2018Lagrangian Timescales of Southern Ocean Upwelling in a Hierarchy of Model ResolutionsDrake, Henri F; Morrison, Adele K; Griffies, Stephen M; Sarmiento, Jorge L; Weijer, Wlbert, et al
-Absolute x-ray energy calibration and monitoring using a diffraction-based methodHong, Xinguo; Duffy, Thomas S; Ehm, Lars; Weidner, Donald J
14-Nov-2012Correction to “Intercomparison of pressure standards (Au, Pt, Mo, MgO, NaCl and Ne) to 2.5 Mbar”Dorfman, Susannah M; Prakapenka, Vitali B; Meng, Yuanku; Duffy, Thomas S
4-Jul-2019Nutrient Controls on Export Production in the Southern OceanSarmiento, Jorge L; Artega, Lionel A; Pahlow, Markus; Bushinsky, Seth M
30-Aug-2012Intercomparison of pressure standards (Au, Pt, Mo, MgO, NaCl and Ne) to 2.5 MbarDorfman, Susannah M; Prakapenka, Vitali B; Meng, Yuanku; Duffy, Thomas S
12-Mar-2019Deciphering Patterns and Drivers of Heat and Carbon Storage in the Southern OceanChen, Haidi; Morrison, Adele K; Dufour, Carolina O; Sarmiento, Jorge L
28-Jun-2017Projections of climate‐driven changes in tuna vertical habitat based on species‐specific differences in blood oxygen affinityMislan, KAS; Deutsch, Curtis A; Brill, Richard W; Dunne, John P; Sarmiento, Jorge L
11-Jul-2013Ramp compression of iron to 273 GPaWang, Jue; Smith, Raymond F; Eggert, Jon H; Braun, Dave G; Boehly, Thomas R, et al
14-Dec-2011Characterization of rainfall distribution and flooding associated with U.S. landfalling tropical cyclones: Analyses of Hurricanes Frances, Ivan, and Jeanne (2004)Villarini, Gabriele; Smith, James A; Baeck, Mary Lynn; Marchok, Timothy; Vecchi, Gabriel A