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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
May-2014Group behavior among model bacteria influences particulate carbon remineralization depthsMislan, KAS; Stock, Charles A; Dunne, John P; Sarmiento, Jorge L
22-Feb-2013Diel vertical migration: Ecological controls and impacts on the biological pump in a one-dimensional ocean modelBianchi, Daniele; Stock, Charles; Galbraith, Eric D; Sarmiento, Jorge L
26-Feb-2014A growing oceanic carbon uptake: Results froman inversion study of surface pCO2 dataMajkut, Joseph D; Sarmiento, Jorge L; Rodgers, KB
25-Sep-2017Mechanism of Fast Atmospheric Energetic Equilibration Following Radiative Forcing by CO2Dinh, Tra; Fueglistaler, Stephan
2-Oct-2013Amplification and attenuation of increased primary production in a marine food webKearney, Kelly A; Stock, Charles; Sarmiento, Jorge L
22-May-2017Seasonal Prediction Skill of Northern Extratropical Surface Temperature Driven by the StratosphereJia, Liwei; Yang, Xiaosong; Vecchi, Gabriel; Gudgel, Richard; Delworth, Thomas, et al
Oct-2018Using Eclogite Retrogression to Track the Rapid Exhumation of the Pliocene Papua New Guinea UHP TerraneDesOrmeau, Joel W; Gordon, Stacia M; Little, Timothy A; Bowring, Samuel A; Schoene, Blair, et al
2-Nov-2018GHR1 Zircon – A New Eocene Natural Reference Material for Microbeam U-Pb Geochronology and Hf Isotopic Analysis of ZirconEddy, Michael P; Ibañez-Mejia, Mauricio; Burgess, Seth D; Coble, Matthew A; Cordani, Umberto G, et al
21-Mar-2015Isotopic evidence for nitrification in the Antarctic winter mixed layerSmart, Sandi M; Fawcett, Sarah E; Thomalla, Sandy J; Weigand, Mira A; Reason, Chris JC, et al
4-Sep-2015Glacial-to-interglacial changes in nitrate supply and consumption in the subarctic North Pacific from microfossil-bound N isotopes at two trophic levelsRen, Haojia; Studer, Anja S; Serno, Sascha; Sigman, Daniel M; Winckler, Gisela, et al