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Publication Date | Article Title | Author(s) |
Jan-2019 | Understanding WASP-12b | Bailey, Avery; Goodman, Jeremy J. |
10-Sep-2012 | Theoretical Transit Spectra for GJ 1214b and Other ”Super-Earths” | Howe, Alex R; Burrows, Adam S. |
Nov-2018 | The linear theory of tidally excited spiral density waves: application to CV and circumplanetary discs | Xu, Wenrui; Goodman, Jeremy J. |
Jun-2018 | Effects of axial boundary conductivity on a free Stewartson-Shercliff layer | Caspary, Kyle J; Choi, Dahan; Ebrahimi, Fatima; Gilson, Erik P; Goodman, Jeremy J., et al |
1-Nov-2018 | Binary Companions of Evolved Stars in APOGEE DR14: Orbital Circularization | Price-Whelan, Adrian M; Goodman, Jeremy J. |
Oct-2018 | Imaging extended emission-line regions of obscured AGN with the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey | Sun, Ai-Lei; Greene, Jenny E.; Zakamska, Nadia L; Goulding, Andy D; Strauss, Michael A., et al |
Jun-2017 | The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: two-season ACTPol spectra and parameters | Louis, Thibaut; Grace, Emily; Hasselfield, Matthew; Lungu, Marius; Maurin, Loic, et al |
Mar-2017 | Detection of the pairwise kinematic Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect with BOSS DR11 and the Atacama Cosmology Telescope | De Bernardis, Francesco; Aiola, S; Vavagiakis, EM; Battaglia, N; Niemack, MD, et al |
15-Jun-2017 | Two-season Atacama Cosmology Telescope polarimeter lensing power spectrum | Sherwin, Blake D; van Engelen, Alexander; Sehgal, Neelima; Madhavacheril, Mathew; Addison, Graeme E., et al |
1-Sep-2016 | The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: dynamical masses for 44 SZ-selected galaxy clusters over 755 square degrees | Sifon, Cristobal; Battaglia, Nick; Hasselfield, Matthew; Menanteau, Felipe; Barrientos, Luis Felipe, et al |