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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
2014Integration and test activities for the SUMIRE Prime Focus Spectrograph at LAMMadec, F; Jaquet, M; Pascal, S; Bozier, A; Le Mignant, D, et al
2014Metrology Camera System of Prime Focus Spectrograph for Subaru TelescopeWang, Shiang-Yu; Chou, Richard C-Y; Chang, Yin-Chang; Huang, Pin-Jie; Hu, Yen-Sang, et al
2014Multi-fibers connectors systems for FOCCoS-PFS-Subarude Oliveira, Antonio Cesar; de Oliveira, Ligia Souza; Marrara, Lucas Souza; dos Santos, Leandro Henrique; de Arruda, Marcio Vital, et al
2014Optical Design of the SuMIRe/PFS SpectrographPascal, Sandrine; Vives, Sebastien; Barkhouser, Robert; Gunn, James E
2014Progress with the Prime Focus Spectrograph for the Subaru Telescope: a massively multiplexed optical and near-infrared fiber spectrographSugai, Hajime; Tamura, Naoyuki; Karoji, Hiroshi; Shimono, Atsushi; Takato, Naruhisa, et al
2012Performance of the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE) high-resolution near-infrared multi-object fiber spectrographWilson, JC; Hearty, F; Skrutskie, MF; Majewski, SR; Schiavon, R, et al
24-Sep-2012Prime Focus Spectrograph - Subaru’s futureSugai, H; Karoji, H; Takato, N; Tamura, N; Shimono, A, et al
13-Sep-2012Particle-in-cell simulations of shock-driven reconnection in relativistic striped windsSironi, L; Spitkovsky, Anatoly
21-Mar-2013Increase of the density, temperature and velocity of plasma jets driven by a ring of high energy laser beamsFu, W; Liang, EP; Fatenejad, M; Lamb, DQ; Grosskopf, M, et al
2014Slit device for FOCCoS - PFS - Subarude Oliveira, Antonio Cesar; Gunn, James E; de Oliveira, Ligia Souza; de Arruda, Marcio Vital; Marrara, Lucas Souza, et al