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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
Oct-2016A neural signature of contextually mediated intentional forgettingManning, Jeremy R.; Hulbert, Justin C.; Williams, Jamal; Piloto, Luis; Sahakyan, Lili; et al
Sep-2016How to Publish Rigorous Experiments in the 21st CenturyFiske, Susan T.
Sep-2016Fantasia: Being Emotionally Involved with a Stereotyped Target Changes Stereotype WarmthSevillano, Veronica; Fiske, Susan T.
Aug-2016Accessing Real-Life Episodic Information from Minutes versus Hours Earlier Modulates Hippocampal and High-Order Cortical DynamicsChen, Janice; Honey, CJ; Simony, Erez; Arcaro, Michael J.; Norman, Kenneth A.; et al
Aug-2016Statistical Learning is Constrained to Less Abstract Patterns in Complex Sensory Input (but not the least)Emberson, Lauren L.; Rubinstein, Dani Y.
28-Jul-2016Methodology for high-yield acquisition of functional near-infrared spectroscopy data from alert, upright infantsGoodwin, James R.; Cannaday, Ashley E.; Palmeri, Holly G.; Di Costanzo, Aldo; Emberson, Lauren L.; et al
27-Jul-2016A Probability Distribution over Latent Causes, in the Orbitofrontal CortexChan, Stephanie C.Y.; Niv, Yael; Norman, Kenneth A.
19-Jul-2016Mnemonic convergence in social networks: The emergent properties of cognition at a collective levelComan, Alin; Momennejad, Ida; Drach, Rae D.; Geana, Andra
1-Jul-2016Animals as Social Objects: Groups, Stereotypes, and Intergroup ThreatsSevillano, Verónica; Fiske, Susan T.
Jul-2016Temporal Specificity of Reward Prediction Errors Signaled by Putative Dopamine Neurons in Rat VTA Depends on Ventral StriatumTakahashi, Yuji K.; Langdon, Angela J.; Niv, Yael; Schoenbaum, Geoffrey
29-Jun-2016Lasting Adaptations in Social Behavior Produced by Social Disruption and Inhibition of Adult NeurogenesisOpendak, Maya; Offit, Lilly; Monari, Patrick K.; Schoenfeld, Timothy J.; Sonti, Anup N.; et al
1-Jun-2016DYT1 dystonia increases risk taking in humansArkadir, David; Radulescu, Angela; Raymond, Deborah; Lubarr, Naomi; Bressman, Susan B.; et al
25-May-2016Catecholamine-Mediated Increases in Gain Enhance the Precision of Cortical RepresentationsWarren, Christopher M.; Eldar, Eran; van den Brink, Ruud L.; Tona, Klodiana-Daphne; van der Wee, Nic J.; et al
5-May-2016Early development of turn-taking with parents shapes vocal acoustics in infant marmoset monkeysTakahashi, Daniel Y.; Fenley, Alicia R.; Ghazanfar, Asif A.
4-May-2016Topographical Organization of Attentional, Social, and Memory Processes in the Human Temporoparietal CortexIgelström, Kajsa M.; Webb, Taylor W.; Kelly, Yin T.; Graziano, Michael S.
May-2016Promote up, ingratiate down: Status comparisons drive warmth-competence tradeoffs in impression managementSwencionis, Jillian K.; Fiske, Susan T.
May-2016Warmth and Competence in AnimalsSevillano, Verónica; Fiske, Susan T.
19-Apr-2016Isolating the effects of surface vasculature in infant neuroimaging using short-distance optical channels: a combination of local and global effectsEmberson, Lauren L.; Crosswhite, Stephen L.; Goodwin, James R.; Berger, Andrew J.; Aslin, Richard N.
Apr-2016Gamma and beta bursts underlie working memoryLundqvist, Mikael; Rose, Jonas; Herman, Pawel; Brincat, Scott L.; Buschman, Timothy J.; et al
Mar-2016Resource Scarcity and Prescriptive Attitudes Generate Subtle, Intergenerational Older-Worker ExclusionNorth, Michael S.; Fiske, Susan T.