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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
5-Sep-2022Reduced variability of bursting activity during working memoryLundqvist, Mikael; Rose, Jonas; Brincat, Scott L; Warden, Melissa R; Buschman, Timothy J; et al
3-Nov-2021Brain kernel: A new spatial covariance function for fMRI dataWu, Anqi; Nastase, Samuel A.; Baldassano, Christopher A.; Turk-Browne, Nicholas B.; Norman, Kenneth A.; et al
Jan-2020Multitasking Capacity: Hardness Results and Improved ConstructionsAlon, Noga M.; Cohen, Jonathan D.; Griffiths, Tom; Manurangsi, Pasin; Reichman, Daniel; et al
2020Decentralized Reinforcement Learning: Global Decision-Making via Local Economic TransactionsChang, Michael; Kaushik, Sid; Weinberg, S Matthew; Griffiths, Tom; Levine, Sergey
3-Apr-2020Shared Representational Geometry Across Neural NetworksLu, Qihong; Chen, Po-Hsuan; Pillow, Jonathan W.; Ramadge, Peter J.; Norman, Kenneth A.; et al
Jun-2019Specialized coding of sensory, motor and cognitive variables in VTA dopamine neuronsEngelhard, Ben; Finkelstein, Joel; Cox, Julia; Fleming, Weston; Jang, Hee Jae; et al
3-May-2019Cognitive Dissonance: Where We’ve Been and Where We’re GoingCooper, Joel
Mar-2019Rat Orbitofrontal Ensemble Activity Contains Multiplexed but Dissociable Representations of Value and Task Structure in an Odor Sequence Task.Zhou, Jingfeng; Gardner, Matthew P.H.; Stalnaker, Thomas A.; Ramus, Seth J.; Wikenheiser, Andrew M.; et al
25-Jan-2019The effect of a savings intervention on women's intimate partner violence victimization: heterogeneous findings from a randomized controlled trial in Colombia.Tankard, Margaret E.; Paluck, Elizabeth Levy; Prentice, Deborah A.
15-Jan-2019The mediodorsal pulvinar coordinates the macaque fronto-parietal network during rhythmic spatial attention.Fiebelkorn, Ian C.; Pinsk, Mark A.; Kastner, Sabine
Jan-2019Temporal Dynamics and Response Modulation across the Human Visual System in a Spatial Attention Task: An ECoG Study.Martin, Anne B.; Yang, Xiaofang; Saalmann, Yuri B.; Wang, Liang; Shestyuk, Avgusta; et al
26-Dec-2018Not Minding the Gap: How Hostile Sexism Encourages Choice Explanations for the Gender Income GapConnor, Rachel A.; Fiske, Susan T.
19-Dec-2018Organizing principles of pulvino-cortical functional coupling in humansArcaro, Michael J.; Pinsk, Mark A.; Chen, Janice; Kastner, Sabine
14-Dec-2018Offline replay supports planning in human reinforcement learning.Momennejad, Ida; Otto, A Ross.; Daw, Nathaniel D.; Norman, Kenneth A.
Dec-2018Dissociable neural mechanisms track evidence accumulation for selection of attention versus actionShenhav, Amitai; Straccia, Mark A.; Musslick, Sebastian; Cohen, Jonathan D.; Botvinick, Matthew M.
1-Nov-2018Measuring and Bounding Experimenter Demandde Quidt, Jonathan; Haushofer, Johannes; Roth, Christopher
Nov-2018Expectation affects neural repetition suppression in infancyEmberson, Lauren L.; Boldin, Alex M.; Robertson, Claire E.; Cannon, Grace; Aslin, Richard N.
Nov-2018Competitive learning modulates memory consolidation during sleep.Antony, James W.; Cheng, Larry Y.; Brooks, Paula P.; Paller, Ken A.; Norman, Kenneth A.
Oct-2018An Open Resource for Non-human Primate Imaging.Milham, Michael P.; Ai, Lei; Koo, Bonhwang; Xu, Ting; Amiez, Céline; et al
Oct-2018Microglia Play an Active Role in Obesity-Associated Cognitive DeclineCope, Elise C.; LaMarca, Elizabeth A.; Monari, Patrick K.; Olson, Lyra B.; Martinez, Susana; et al