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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
24-Jan-2017Reconsolidation-Extinction Interactions in Fear Memory Attenuation: The Role of Inter-Trial Interval VariabilityAuchter, Allison; Cormack, Lawrence K.; Niv, Yael; Gonzalez-Lima, Francisco; Monfils, Marie H.
22-May-2017The computational nature of memory modificationGershman, Samuel J.; Monfils, Marie-H; Norman, Kenneth A.; Niv, Yael
Oct-2015Rethinking ExtinctionDunsmoor, Joseph E.; Niv, Yael; Daw, Nathaniel; Phelps, Elizabeth A.
Oct-2018An Open Resource for Non-human Primate Imaging.Milham, Michael P.; Ai, Lei; Koo, Bonhwang; Xu, Ting; Amiez, CĂ©line, et al
16-Sep-2015A Neural Basis for Developmental Topographic DisorientationKim, Jiye G.; Aminoff, Elissa M.; Kastner, Sabine; Behrmann, Marlene
May-2014Attention in the real world: toward understanding its neural basisPeelen, Marius V.; Kastner, Sabine
Aug-2013Attention flexibly alters tuning for object categoriesKim, Jiye G.; Kastner, Sabine
1-Nov-2018Measuring and Bounding Experimenter Demandde Quidt, Jonathan; Haushofer, Johannes; Roth, Christopher
1-Mar-2017Strategies for exploration in the domain of lossesKrueger, Paul M.; Wilson, Robert C.; Cohen, Jonathan D.
Dec-2016Do You See the Forest or the Tree? Neural Gain and Breadth Versus Focus in Perceptual ProcessingEldar, Eran; Niv, Yael; Cohen, Jonathan D.