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Going in Many Right Directions, All at Once

Author(s): Fiske, Susan T.

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Abstract: Invited to assess whether the field is going in the right direction, this essay answers yes, mostly. Policymakers' respect and the public's interest put us in the spotlight for our intrinsic strengths, but also draw attention to our weaknesses such as the replication crisis, about which reasonable opinions differ. Civility and mutual tolerance have sometimes been an issue in these debates. As an example of constructive debate, our lab's recent experience with mutually respectful engagement has advanced solving one scientific puzzle. Principles facilitating this collaboration include: using our respective tribes as secure bases for exploration, sharing agreed-upon rigorous standards, and establishing mutual trust. The author summarizes how her career has oriented her to these directions that rely on perseverance, flexibility, tolerance, and optimism for the field.
Publication Date: Jul-2017
Electronic Publication Date: 20-Jul-2017
Citation: Fiske, Susan T. (2017). Going in Many Right Directions, All at Once. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 12 (4), 652 - 655. doi:10.1177/1745691617706506
DOI: doi:10.1177/1745691617706506
ISSN: 1745-6916
EISSN: 1745-6924
Pages: 652 - 655
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: Perspectives on Psychological Science
Version: Author's manuscript

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