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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
Mar-2012Interspecies activity correlations reveal functional correspondence between monkey and human brain areasMantini, Dante; Hasson, Uri; Betti, Viviana; Perrucci, Mauro G.; Romani, Gian Luca, et al
30-Apr-2014On the Same Wavelength: Predictable Language Enhances Speaker-Listener Brain-to-Brain Synchrony in Posterior Superior Temporal GyrusDikker, Suzanne; Silbert, Lauren J.; Hasson, Uri; Zevin, Jason D.
31-Oct-2012Not Lost in Translation: Neural Responses Shared Across LanguagesHoney, Christopher J.; Thompson, Christopher R.; Lerner, Yulia; Hasson, Uri
Oct-2012Loss of reliable temporal structure in event-related averaging of naturalistic stimuliBen-Yakov, Aya; Honey, Christopher J.; Lerner, Yulia; Hasson, Uri
1-Jan-2018An exercise in self-replication: Replicating Shah, Mullainathan, and Shafir (2012)Shah, Anuj K.; Mullainathan, Sendhil; Shafir, Eldar
1-Mar-2012Preference based on reasonsOsherson, Daniel; Weinstein, Scott
5-Jan-2012Logic, Language and the BrainMonti, Martin M.; Osherson, Daniel N.
Jan-2014Implicit learning of stimulus regularities increases cognitive control.Zhao, Jiaying; Karbowicz, Devin; Osherson, Daniel
Sep-2015The Persistence of Poverty in the Context of Economic Instability: A Behavioral PerspectiveGennetian, Lisa A.; Shafir, Eldar
Jan-2013The Martyrdom Effect: When Pain and Effort Increase Prosocial ContributionsOlivola, Christopher Y.; Shafir, Eldar