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Journal of Public and International Affairs

Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
2007Letter from the EditorsBrouhard, Katherine; Rothwell, Jonathan
2007Is the Price Right? A Study of the Impact of School Fees in Rural BangladeshGrenzke, Emily
2007Improving Agricultural Efficiency Amongst Groundwater Users: The Case of Sugarcane in North IndiaKhanna, Gauri
2007Back to the Future: Understanding China’s Return to Africa and its Implications for U.S. PolicyPollock, Greg
2007Understanding the Iranian Nuclear Equation.Blackstock, Jason J.; Milkoreit, Manjana
2006Engaging a Nuclear India: Punishment, Reward, and the Politics of Non-ProliferationBruneau, Richard
2006Toward the Reunification of Cyprus: Defining and Integrating Reconciliation into the Peace ProcessLadisch, Virginie
2006Analysis of International Patent Protection and Global Public HealthHopkins, Victoria E.
2006Do Mentoring and Induction Programs Have Greater Benefits for Teachers Who Lack Preservice Training?Duke, Laura; Karson, Adam; Wheeler, Justin
2006Treaty Compliance: Lessons from the Softwood Lumber CaseColgan, Jeff
2006On the Influence of World Religions on International TradeHelble, Matthias
2006Uniting a City: Facilitating Interracial Interactions and Cultural Exchange in Urban Public Spaces, with Applications to Washington D.C.Moored, Ginger M.
2006A Socioeconomic Evaluation of Alternative Development in the Tropics of Cochabamba, Bolivia: Findings, Observations and Policy RecommendationsBall, Maggie; Escobar, Ramon; Grin, Steven; MacKeen, Leslie
2006Mother and Child: A Multi-Determinant Model for Maternal and Infant Health Outcomes in Urban, Low-Income Communities and the Effectiveness of Prenatal Care and Other InterventionsWolfe, Matthew W.
2006Looking for Facts in the GATS Attack: Impacts on Social Service SovereigntyWalraven, Katherine
2006Managing Uncertainty: Formulating A U.S. Grand Strategy for ChinaSchildt, Christopher E.
2006Turning Pirates Into Proprietors: How and Why to Make Software Intellectual Property Work in Developing CountriesYarger, Steven
2005Letter from the EditorsMathews, Hilary; Wigodzky, Victoria
1996The ECJ's Contribution to Europe's Democracy DeficitFellmeth, Aaron
1996EU Integration of the Visegrad CountriesShea, Jennifer; Stefes, Christopher