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Borexino - The achievements and prospects

Author(s): Bellini, G; Benziger, J; Bick, D; Bonfini, G; Avanzini, MB; et al

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Abstract: The Borexino experiment, located in the Gran Sasso National Laboratory, is an organic liquid scintillator detector conceived for the real time spectroscopy of low energy solar neutrinos. The data taking campaign phase I (2007 - 2010) has allowed the first independent measurements of 7Be , 8B and pep fluxes as well as the first measurement of anti-neutrinos from the earth. After a purification of the scintillator, Borexino is now in phase II since 2011. We review here the recent results achieved during 2013, concerning the seasonal modulation in the 7Be signal, the study of cosmogenic backgrounds and the updated measurement of geo-neutrinos. We also review the upcoming measurements from phase II data (pp, pep, CNO) and the project SOX devoted to the study of sterile neutrinos via the use of a 51Cr neutrino source and a 144Ce-144Pr antineutrino source placed in close proximity of the active material.
Publication Date: 1-Nov-2014
Electronic Publication Date: February 2015
Citation: Bellini, G, Benziger, J, Bick, D, Bonfini, G, Avanzini, MB, Caccianiga, B, Cadonati, L, Calaprice, F, Cavalcante, P, Chavarria, A, Chepurnov, A, D'Angelo, D, Davini, S, Derbin, A, Empl, A, Etenko, A, Feilitzsch, FV, Fomenko, K, Franco, D, Galbiati, C, Gazzana, S, Ghiano, C, Giammarchi, M, Göger-Neff, M, Goretti, A, Grandi, L, Hagner, C, Hungerford, E, Ianni, A, Ianni, A, Kobychev, V, Korablev, D, Korga, G, Kryn, D, Laubenstein, M, Lewke, T, Litvinovich, E, Lombardi, F, Lombardi, P, Ludhova, L, Lukyanchenko, G, Machulin, I, Manecki, S, Maneschg, W, Manuzio, G, Meindl, Q, Meroni, E, Miramonti, L, Misiaszek, M, Mosteiro, P, Muratova, V, Oberauer, L, Obolensky, M, Ortica, F, Otis, K, Pallavicini, M, Papp, L, Perasso, L, Perasso, S, Pocar, A, Ranucci, G, Razeto, A, Re, A, Romani, A, Rossi, N, Saldanha, R, Salvo, C, Schönert, S, Simgen, H, Skorokhvatov, M, Smirnov, O, Sotnikov, A, Sukhotin, S, Suvorov, Y, Tartaglia, R, Testera, G, Vignaud, D, Vogelaar, RB, Winter, J, Wojcik, M, Wright, A, Wurm, M, Xu, J, Zaimidoroga, O, Zavatarelli, S, Zuzel, G. (2014). Borexino - The achievements and prospects. Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica C, 37 (6), 21 - 28. doi:10.1393/ncc/i2015-11836-3
DOI: doi:10.1393/ncc/i2015-11836-3
ISSN: 2037-4909
EISSN: 1826-9885
Pages: 21 - 28
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica C (Conference Proceedings of the Italian Physical Society)
Version: Author's manuscript

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