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Constraints on flavor-diagonal non-standard neutrino interactions from Borexino Phase-II

Author(s): Agarwalla, SK; Agostini, M; Altenmüller, K; Appel, S; Atroshchenko, V; et al

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Abstract: The Borexino detector measures solar neutrino fluxes via neutrino-electron elastic scattering. Observed spectra are determined by the solar-νe survival probability Pee(E), and the chiral couplings of the neutrino and electron. Some theories of physics beyond the Standard Model postulate the existence of Non-Standard Interactions (NSI’s) which modify the chiral couplings and Pee(E). In this paper, we search for such NSI’s, in particular, flavor-diagonal neutral current interactions that modify the νee and ντ e cou- plings using Borexino Phase II data. Standard Solar Model predictions of the solar neutrino fluxes for both high- and low-metallicity assumptions are considered. No indication of new physics is found at the level of sensitivity of the detector and constraints on the parameters of the NSI’s are placed. In addition, with the same dataset the value of sin2 θW is obtained with a precision comparable to that achieved in reactor antineutrino experiments.
Publication Date: 5-Feb-2020
Electronic Publication Date: 5-Feb-2020
Citation: Agarwalla, SK, Agostini, M, Altenmüller, K, Appel, S, Atroshchenko, V, Bagdasarian, Z, Basilico, D, Bellini, G, Benziger, J, Bick, D, Bonfini, G, Bravo, D, Caccianiga, B, Calaprice, F, Caminata, A, Cappelli, L, Cavalcante, P, Cavanna, F, Chepurnov, A, Choi, K, D’Angelo, D, Davini, S, Derbin, A, Di Giacinto, A, Di Marcello, V, Ding, XF, Di Ludovico, A, Di Noto, L, Drachnev, I, Fomenko, K, Formozov, A, Franco, D, Gabriele, F, Galbiati, C, Gschwender, M, Ghiano, C, Giammarchi, M, Goretti, A, Gromov, M, Guffanti, D, Hagner, C, Hungerford, E, Ianni, Aldo, Ianni, Andrea, Jany, A, Jeschke, D, Kumaran, S, Kobychev, V, Korga, G, Lachenmaier, T, Laubenstein, M, Litvinovich, E, Lombardi, P, Ludhova, L, Lukyanchenko, G, Lukyanchenko, L, Machulin, I, Manuzio, G, Marcocci, S, Maricic, J, Martyn, J, Meroni, E, Meyer, M, Miramonti, L, Misiaszek, M, Muratova, V, Neumair, B, Nieslony, M, Oberauer, L, Orekhov, V, Ortica, F, Pallavicini, M, Papp, L, Penek, Ö, Pietrofaccia, L, Pilipenko, N, Pocar, A, Raikov, G, Ranucci, G, Razeto, A, Re, A, Redchuk, M, Romani, A, Rossi, N, Rottenanger, S, Schönert, S, Semenov, D, Skorokhvatov, M, Smirnov, O, Sotnikov, A, Sun, C, Suvorov, Y, Takeuchi, T, Tartaglia, R, Testera, G, Thurn, J, Unzhakov, E, Vishneva, A, Vogelaar, RB, von Feilitzsch, F, Wojcik, M, Wurm, M, Zaimidoroga, O, Zavatarelli, S, Zuber, K, Zuzel, G. (2020). Constraints on flavor-diagonal non-standard neutrino interactions from Borexino Phase-II. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020 (2), 10.1007/jhep02(2020)038
DOI: doi:10.1007/jhep02(2020)038
EISSN: 1029-8479
Keywords: Neutrino Physics, Beyond Standard Model
Language: en
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: Journal of High Energy Physics
Version: Final published version. This is an open access article.

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