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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
2017Anticipated Emotions About Unintended Pregnancy in Relationship Context: Are Latinas Really Happier?Aiken, Abigail; Trussell, James
2016Comparison of a Timing-Based Measure of Unintended Pregnancy and the London Measure of Unplanned PregnancyAiken, Abigail; Westhoff, CL; Trussell, James; Castano, PM
2015Achieving cost-neutrality with long-acting reversible contraceptive methodsTrussell, James; Hassan, F.; Lowin, J.; Law, A.; Filonenko, A.
2013Burden of unintended pregnancy in the United States: potential savings with increased use of long-acting reversible contraceptionTrussell, James; Henry, N.; Hassan, F.; Prezioso, A.; Law, A., et al
2017"I don't know what I would have done." Women's experiences acquiring ulipristal acetate emergency contraception online from 2011 to 2015Smith, Nicole K.; Cleland, Kelly C.; Wagner, Brandon; Trussell, James
2017Similarities and differences in contraceptive use reported by women and men in the National Survey of Family GrowthAiken, Abigail; Wang, Y.; Higgins, J.; Trussell, James
2017In the midst of Zika pregnancy advisories, termination of pregnancy is the elephant in the roomAiken, Abigail; Aiken, C.E.; Trussell, James
2013UPA > LNG, but Not Good Enough [What Do We Need to Know about Emergency Contraception?]Gemzell-Danielsson, K.; Trussell, James
2017Contraceptive method preferences and provision after termination of pregnancy: a population-based analysis of women obtaining care with the British Pregnancy Advisory ServiceAiken, Abigail; Lohr, P.A.; Aiken, C.E.; Forsyth, T.; Trussell, James
2014Cost-effectiveness analysis of levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (LNG-IUS) 13.5 mg in contraceptionTrussell, James; Hassan, F.; Henry, N.; Pocoski, J.; Law, A., et al