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Functionalization of Graphene Oxide by Tetrazine Derivatives: A Versatile Approach toward Covalent Bridges between Graphene Sheets

Author(s): Li, Yuan; Alain-Rizzo, Valerie; Galmiche, Laurent; Audebert, Pierre; Miomandre, Fabien; et al

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Abstract: We have covalently grafted tetrazine derivatives to graphene oxide through nucleophilic substitution. Since the tetrazine unit is electroactive and nitrogen-rich, with a reduction potential sensitive to the type of substituent and degree of substitution, we used electrochemistry and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to demonstrate clear evidence for grafting through covalent bonding. Chemical modification was supported by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and thermal analysis. Tetrazines grafted onto graphene oxide displayed different mass losses compared to unmodified graphene and were more stable than the molecular precursors. Finally, a bridging tetrazine derivative was grafted between sheets of graphene oxide to demonstrate that the separation distance between sheets can be maintained while designing new graphene-based materials, including chemically bound, redox structures.
Publication Date: 2015
Electronic Publication Date: Jun-2015
Citation: Li, Y, Alain-Rizzo, V, Galmiche, L, Audebert, P, Miomandre, F, Louarn, G, Bozlar, M, Pope, MA, Dabbs, DM, Aksay, IA. (2015). Functionalization of Graphene Oxide by Tetrazine Derivatives: A Versatile Approach toward Covalent Bridges between Graphene Sheets. Chemistry of Materials, 27 (4298 - 4310). doi:10.1021/acs.chemmater.5b00672
DOI: doi:10.1021/acs.chemmater.5b00672
Pages: 4298 - 4310
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: Chemistry of Materials
Version: Author's manuscript

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