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Publication Date | Article Title | Author(s) |
2015 | A thermosensitive hydrogel carrier for nickel nanoparticles | Liu, Jianjia; Wang, Jie; Wang, Yiming; Liu, Chang; Jin, Miaomiao, et al |
2013 | An "off-the-shelf" capillary microfluidic device that enables tuning of the droplet breakup regime at constant flow rates | Benson, BR; Stone, Howard A; Prud Homme, Robert K |
2016 | Supramolecular polymer assembly in aqueous solution arising from cyclodextrin host-guest complexation | Wang, J; Qiu, Z; Wang, Y; Li, L; Guo, X, et al |
26-Mar-2015 | Antitubercular Nanocarrier Combination Therapy: Formulation Strategies and in Vitro Efficacy for Rifampicin and SQ641 | D'Addio, Suzanne M.; Reddy, Venkata M.; Liu, Ying; Sinko, Patrick J.; Einck, Leo, et al |
2015 | Polymer directed self-assembly of pH-responsive antioxidant nanoparticles | Tang, C; Amin, D; Messersmith, PB; Anthony, JE; Prud homme, Robert K |
2015 | Responsive foams for nanoparticle delivery | Tang, C; Xiao, E; Sinko, PJ; Szekely, Z; Prud homme, Robert K |
2016 | Extending Data-Driven Koopman Analysis to Actuated Systems | Williams, Matthew O.; Hemati, Maziar S.; Dawson, Scott T.M.; Kevrekidis, Yannis G.; Rowley, Clarence W. |
Dec-2014 | Lifetimes of Po-214 and Po-212 measured with Counting Test Facility at Gran Sasso National Laboratory | Miramonti, L; Bellini, G; Benziger, Jay B.; Bick, D; Bonfini, G, et al |
1-Jan-2013 | Low energy neutrinos | Ranucci, G; Bellini, G; Benziger, J; Bick, D; Bonfini, G, et al |
Nov-2013 | DarkSide search for dark matter | Alexander, T; Alton, D; Arisaka, K; Back, HO; Beltrame, P, et al |