Publication Date | Article Title | Author(s) |
19-Jun-2019 | A demand system approach to asset pricing | Koijen, RSJ; Yogo, Motohiro |
May-2019 | Revenue Guarantee Equivalence | Bergemann, Dirk; Brooks, Benjamin; Morris, Stephen |
May-2019 | Dollar Invoicing and the Heterogeneity of Exchange Rate Pass-Through | Boz, Emine; Gopinath, Gita; Plagborg-Moller, Mikkel |
Mar-2019 | Take the Short Route: Equilibrium Default and Debt Maturity | Aguiar, Mark A.; Amador, M; Hopenhayn, H; Werning, I |
Feb-2019 | Equilibrium Provider Networks: Bargaining and Exclusion in Health Care Markets. | Ho, Kate; Lee, Robin S |
Jan-2019 | Bayesian inference on structural impulse response functions | Plagborg-Møller, Mikkel |
Dec-2018 | Influencing connected legislators | Battaglini, Marco; Patacchini, E |
Nov-2018 | A new model for interdependent durations | Honoré, Bo E.; de Paula, Á |
19-Sep-2018 | The origins of human prosociality: Cultural group selection in the workplace and the laboratory. | Francois, Patrick; Fujiwara, Thomas; van Ypersele, Tanguy |
1-Jun-2018 | Microeconomic heterogeneity and macroeconomic shocks | Kaplan, Greg; Violante, Giovanni L. |
May-2018 | Central Bank Forward Guidance and the Signal Value of Market Prices | Morris, Stephen; Shin, Hyun Song |
May-2018 | Through a Crystal Ball Darkly: The Future of Monetary Policy Communication | Blinder, Alan S. |
Mar-2018 | Monetary policy according to HANK | Kaplan, Greg; Moll, Benjamin; Violante, Giovanni L. |
Mar-2018 | A Theory of Input-Output Architecture | Oberfield, Ezra D. |
1-Jan-2018 | When inequality matters for macro and macro matters for inequality | Ahn, SeHyoun; Kaplan, Greg; Moll, Benjamin; Winberry, T; Wolf, Christian |
Jan-2018 | Bid shading and bidder surplus in the US treasury auction system | Hortaçsu, A; Kastl, Jakub; Zhang, A |
2018 | The Changing (Dis-)Utility of Work. | Kaplan, Greg; Schulhofer-Wohl, Sam |
Dec-2017 | Immigration in American Economic History | Abramitzky, Ran; Boustan, Leah P. |
Nov-2017 | ‘Acting wife’: Marriage market incentives and labor market investments | Bursztyn, L; Fujiwara, Thomas; Pallais, A |
Jul-2017 | Poor (Wo)man's Bootstrap | Honoré, Bo E.; Hu, L |