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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
Jan-2017Coarse competitive equilibrium and extreme pricesGul, Faruk R.; Pesendorfer, Wolfgang; Strzalecki, T
19-Sep-2018The origins of human prosociality: Cultural group selection in the workplace and the laboratory.Francois, Patrick; Fujiwara, Thomas; van Ypersele, Tanguy
Jul-2017Poor (Wo)man's BootstrapHonoré, Bo E.; Hu, L
Oct-2013Can informed public deliberation overcome clientelism? Experimental evidence from BeninFujiwara, Thomas; Wantchekon, Leonard
May-2013Robustness, infinitesimal neighborhoods, and moment restrictionsKitamura, Y; Otsu, T; Evdokimov, Kirill
May-2014A tale of two stimulus payments: 2001 versus 2008Kaplan, Greg; Violante, Giovanni L.
May-2014How risky are recessions for top earners?Guvenen, F; Kaplan, Greg; Song, J
Mar-2018Monetary policy according to HANKKaplan, Greg; Moll, Benjamin; Violante, Giovanni L.
Jul-2014A model of the consumption response to fiscal stimulus paymentsKaplan, Greg; Violante, Giovanni L.
17-May-2016Bayes correlated equilibrium and the comparison of information structures in gamesBergemann, Dirk; Morris, Stephen