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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
May-2012Moving to Higher Ground: Migration Response to Natural Disasters in the Early Twentieth CenturyBoustan, Leah P.; Kahn, Matthew E; Rhode, Paul W
May-2018Through a Crystal Ball Darkly: The Future of Monetary Policy CommunicationBlinder, Alan S.
2013Patents and the dissemination of inventionsAlderucci, D; Baumol, William J.
8-Mar-2012The cost of job loss in the great recession: How bad has it been?Farber, Henry S.
Dec-2017Immigration in American Economic HistoryAbramitzky, Ran; Boustan, Leah P.
Jul-2016CoVaRAdrian, Tobias; Brunnermeier, Markus K
Jun-2014A Nation of Immigrants: Assimilation and Economic Outcomes in the Age of Mass MigrationAbramitzky, Ran; Boustan, Leah P.; Eriksson, Katherine
Jan-2015International Credit Flows and Pecuniary ExternalitiesBrunnermeier, Markus K; Sannikov, Yuliy
Aug-2012Europe's Tired, Poor, Huddled Masses: Self-Selection and Economic Outcomes in the Age of Mass MigrationAbramitzky, Ran; Boustan, Leah P.; Eriksson, Katherine
2012Risk TopographyBrunnermeier, Markus K; Gorton, Gary; Krishnamurthy, Arvind