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Mechanical Tuning of the Evaporation Rate of Liquid on Crossed Fibers

Author(s): Boulogne, François; Sauret, Alban; Soh, Beatrice; Dressaire, Emilie; Stone, Howard A

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Abstract: We investigate experimentally the drying of a small volume of perfectly wetting liquid on two crossed fibers. We characterize the drying dynamics for the three liquid morphologies that are encountered in this geometry: drop, column, and a mixed morphology, in which a drop and a column coexist. For each morphology, we rationalize our findings with theoretical models that capture the drying kinetics. We find that the evaporation rate significantly depends upon the liquid morphology and that the drying of the liquid column is faster than the evaporation of the drop and the mixed morphology for a given liquid volume. Finally, we illustrate that shearing a network of fibers reduces the angle between them, changes the morphology toward the column state, and therefore, enhances the drying rate of a volatile liquid deposited on it. (Figure Presented).
Publication Date: 17-Mar-2015
Electronic Publication Date: 5-Mar-2015
Citation: Boulogne, François, Sauret, Alban, Soh, Beatrice, Dressaire, Emilie, Stone, Howard A. (2015). Mechanical Tuning of the Evaporation Rate of Liquid on Crossed Fibers. Langmuir, 31 (10), 3094 - 3100. doi:10.1021/la505036t
DOI: doi:10.1021/la505036t
ISSN: 0743-7463
EISSN: 1520-5827
Pages: 3094 - 3100
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: Langmuir
Version: Author's manuscript

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