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Determination of the critical manifold tangent space and curvature with Monte Carlo renormalization group

Author(s): Wu, Yantao; Car, Roberto

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Abstract: We show that the critical manifold of a statistical mechanical system in the vicinity of a critical point is locally accessible through correlation functions at that point. A practical numerical method is presented to determine the tangent space and the curvature to the critical manifold with variational Monte Carlo renormalization group. Because of the use of a variational bias potential of the coarse-grained variables, critical slowing down is greatly alleviated in the Monte Carlo simulation. In addition, this method is free of truncation error. We study the isotropic Ising model on square and cubic lattices, the anisotropic Ising model, and the tricritical Ising model on square lattices to illustrate the method.
Publication Date: 26-Aug-2019
Electronic Publication Date: 26-Aug-2019
Citation: Wu, Yantao, Car, Roberto. Determination of the critical manifold tangent space and curvature with Monte Carlo renormalization group. Physical Review E, 100 (2), 10.1103/phys rev e.100.022138
DOI: doi:10.1103/physreve.100.022138
ISSN: 2470-0045
EISSN: 2470-0053
Language: en
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: Physical Review E
Version: Author's manuscript

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