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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
2020Precise Experimental Test of the Luttinger Theorem and Particle-Hole Symmetry for a Strongly Correlated Fermionic SystemHossain, MS; Mueed, MA; Ma, MK; Villegas Rosales, KA; Chung, YJ, et al
2018Cyclotron Orbits of Composite Fermions in the Fractional Quantum Hall RegimeJo, I; Deng, H; Liu, Y; Pfeiffer, LN; West, KW, et al
2017Interaction-induced interlayer charge transfer in the extreme quantum limitDeng, H; Liu, Y; Jo, I; Pfeiffer, LN; West, KW, et al
2018Critical filling factor for the formation of a quantum Wigner crystal screened by a nearby layerDeng, H; Engel, LW; Pfeiffer, LN; West, KW; Baldwin, KW, et al
Feb-2021On the theory of policy gradient methods: Optimality, approximation, and distribution shiftAgarwal, A; Kakade, SM; Lee, JD; Mahajan, G
8-Jan-2019Transport Measurements of Surface Electrons in 200-nm-Deep Helium-Filled Microchannels Above Amorphous Metallic ElectrodesAsfaw, AT; Kleinbaum, EI; Henry, MD; Shaner, EA; Lyon, SA
20-Jun-2022Data-plane security applications in adversarial settingsWang, Liang; Mittal, Prateek; Rexford, Jennifer
2014Reduction of resolution refutations and interpolants via subsumptionBloem, R; Malik, S; Schlaipfer, M; Weissenbacher, G
5-Dec-2016Interplay between quantum well width and interface roughness for electron transport mobility in GaAs quantum wellsKamburov, D; Baldwin, KW; West, KW; Shayegan, Mansour; Pfeiffer, LN
1-Sep-2017Fully Integrated Fluorescence Biosensors On-Chip Employing Multi-Functional Nanoplasmonic Optical Structures in CMOSHong, L; Li, H; Yang, H; Sengupta, K