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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
2018Estimation in the Group Action ChannelAbbe, Emmanuel; Pereira, JM; Singer, Amit
-Engineering Dynamical Sweet Spots to Protect Qubits from 1/f NoiseHuang, Ziwen; Mundada, Pranav S; Gyenis, AndrĂ¡s; Schuster, David I; Houck, Andrew A, et al
2015Community Detection in General Stochastic Block models: Fundamental Limits and Efficient Algorithms for RecoveryAbbe, Emmanuel; Sandon, C
2019Multireference Alignment Is Easier with an Aperiodic Translation DistributionAbbe, Emmanuel; Bendory, T; Leeb, W; Pereira, JM; Sharon, N, et al
2015Polar codes for broadcast channelsGoela, N; Abbe, Emmanuel; Gastpar, M
2017Entropies of weighted sums in cyclic groups and an application to polar codesAbbe, Emmanuel; Li, J; Madiman, M
Apr-2016Linear Boolean Classification, Coding and the Critical ProblemAbbe, Emmanuel; Alon, N; Bandeira, A; Sandon, C
2014Polynomial complexity of polar codes for non-binary alphabets, key agreement and Slepian-Wolf codingLiu, J; Abbe, Emmanuel
2015Polar Coding for Secret-Key GenerationChou, RA; Bloch, MR; Abbe, Emmanuel
6-Oct-2021Decentralized Optimization Over Noisy, Rate-Constrained Networks: Achieving Consensus by Communicating DifferencesSaha, Rajarshi; Rini, Stefano; Rao, Milind; Goldsmith, Andrea J