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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
30-Nov-2020Optically Detected Magnetic Resonance in Neutral Silicon Vacancy Centers in Diamond via Bound Exciton StatesZhang, Zi-Huai; Stevenson, Paul; Thiering, Gergő; Rose, Brendon C; Huang, Ding, et al
18-Aug-2020Charge state dynamics and optically detected electron spin resonance contrast of shallow nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamondYuan, Zhiyang; Fitzpatrick, Mattias; Rodgers, Lila VH; Sangtawesin, Sorawis; Srinivasan, Srikanth, et al
2017Spin coherence and14N ESEEM effects of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond with X-band pulsed ESRRose, BC; Weis, CD; Tyryshkin, AM; Schenkel, T; Lyon, Stephen A
18-Jun-2016Implicit sensor-based authentication of smartphone users with smartwatchLee, W-H; Lee, Ruby
9-Feb-2015Multi-sensor authentication to improve smartphone securityLee, W-H; Lee, Ruby B
22-Feb-2022Biocompatible surface functionalization architecture for a diamond quantum sensorXie, Mouzhe; Yu, Xiaofei; Rodgers, Lila VH; Xu, Daohong; Chi-Durán, Ignacio, et al
2013Dimension expansion and customized spring potentials for sensor localizationYu, Jieqi; Kulkarni, Sanjeev R; Poor, H Vincent
6-Feb-2023Probing itinerant carrier dynamics at the diamond surface using single nitrogen vacancy centersMahdia, Marjana; Allred, James; Yuan, Zhiyang; Rovny, Jared; de Leon, Nathalie P
16-Feb-2021FaSTrack: A Modular Framework for Real-Time Motion Planning and Guaranteed Safe TrackingChen, Mo; Herbert, Sylvia L; Hu, Haimin; Pu, Ye; Fisac, Jaime Fernandez, et al
26-Sep-2019Origins of Diamond Surface Noise Probed by Correlating Single-Spin Measurements with Surface SpectroscopySangtawesin, S; Dwyer, BL; Srinivasan, S; Allred, JJ; Rodgers, LVH, et al