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Curvature suppresses the Rayleigh-Taylor instability

Author(s): Trinh, Philippe H; Kim, Hyoungsoo; Hammoud, Naima; Howell, Peter D; Chapman, S Jonathan; et al

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Abstract: The dynamics of a thin liquid film on the underside of a curved cylindrical substrate is studied. The evolution of the liquid layer is investigated as the film thickness and the radius of curvature of the substrate are varied. A dimensionless parameter (a modified Bond number) that incorporates both geometric parameters, gravity, and surface tension is identified, and allows the observations to be classified according to three different flow regimes: stable films, films with transient growth of perturbations followed by decay, and unstable films. Experiments and linear stability theory confirm that below a critical value of the Bond number curvature of the substrate suppresses the Rayleigh-Taylor instability.
Publication Date: May-2014
Citation: Trinh, Philippe H, Kim, Hyoungsoo, Hammoud, Naima, Howell, Peter D, Chapman, S Jonathan, Stone, Howard A. (2014). Curvature suppresses the Rayleigh-Taylor instability. Physics of Fluids, 26 (5), 051704 - 051704. doi:10.1063/1.4876476
DOI: doi:10.1063/1.4876476
ISSN: 1070-6631
EISSN: 1089-7666
Pages: 051704 - 051704
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: Physics of Fluids
Version: Author's manuscript

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