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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
31-Aug-2022Mitigation of plasma-wall interactions with low-Z powders in DIII-D high confinement plasmasEffenberg, Florian; Bortolon, Alessandro; Casali, L.; Nazikian, R.; Bykov, F., et al
2-Oct-2012Measurement of CNGS muon neutrino speed with BorexinoSanchez, P Alvarez; Barzaghi, R; Bellini, G; Benziger, J; Betti, B, et al
2015Neutrino Measurements from the Sun and Earth: Results from BorexinoBellini, G; Benziger, J; Bick, D; Bonfini, G; Bravo, D, et al
12-Jan-2017Rare-region effects and dynamics near the many-body localization transitionAgarwal, Kartiek; Altman, Ehud; Demler, Eugene; Gopalakrishnan, Sarang; Huse, David A, et al
25-May-2017The Python Sky Model: software for simulating the Galactic microwave skyThorne, B; Dunkley, J; Alonso, D; Næss, S
12-Nov-2021Trading bits in the readout from a genetic networkBauer, Marianne; Petkova, Mariela D; Gregor, Thomas; Wieschaus, Eric F; Bialek, William
24-Jun-2016QUANTUM SIMULATION Exploring the many-body localization transition in two dimensionsChoi, Jae-yoon; Hild, Sebastian; Zeiher, Johannes; Schauss, Peter; Rubio-Abadal, Antonio, et al
9-Feb-2017Macroscopic and microscopic thermal equilibriumGoldstein, Sheldon; Huse, David A; Lebowitz, Joel L; Tumulka, Roderich
-Dynamical response of a pinned two-dimensional Wigner crystalFogler, Michael M; Huse, David A
-Novel ground-state crystals with controlled vacancy concentrations: From kagomé to honeycomb to stripesBatten, Robert D; Huse, David A; Stillinger, Frank H; Torquato, Salvatore