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Faculty Publications (School of Public and International Affairs)

Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
2018Modeling the impact of novel male contraceptive methods on reductions in unintended pregnancies in Nigeria, South Africa, and the United StatesDorman, E.; Perry, B.; Polis, C.B.; Campo-Engelstein, L.; Shattuck, D.; et al
2018The Macroeconomics of Border TaxesBarbiero, Omar; Farhi, Emmanuel; Gopinath, Gita; Itskhoki, Oleg
2018Comment: Accounting for Factorless IncomeRogerson, Richard
1-Dec-2017Evidence for hippocampal dependence of value-based decisionsEnkavi, AZ; Weber, B; Zweyer, I; Wagner, J; Elger, CE; et al
1-Dec-2017Can we determine whether physical limitations are more prevalent in the US than in countries with comparable life expectancy?Glei, Dana A.; Goldman, Noreen; Ryff, Carol D.; Weinstein, Maxine
1-Dec-2017Evolving Understanding of Antarctic Ice-Sheet Physics and Ambiguity in Probabilistic Sea-Level ProjectionsKopp, Robert E.; DeConto, Robert M.; Bader, Daniel A.; Hay, Carling C.; Horton, Radley M.; et al
Dec-2017A potential large and persistent black carbon forcing over Northern Pacific inferred from satellite observationsLi, Zhongshu; Liu, Junfeng; Mauzerall, Denise L.; Li, Xiaoyuan; Fan, Songmiao; et al
Dec-2017The health and healthcare impact of providing insurance coverage to uninsured children: A prospective observational studyFlores, Glenn; Lin, Hua; Walker, Candice; Lee, Michael; Currie, Janet M.; et al
Dec-2017Hydraulic fracturing and infant health: New evidence from PennsylvaniaCurrie, Janet M.; Greenstone, Michael; Meckel, Katherine
Dec-2017Multinational patterns of seasonal asymmetry in human movement influence infectious disease dynamicsWesolowski, Amy; zu Erbach-Schoenberg, Elisabeth; Tatem, Andrew J.; Lourenço, Christopher; Viboud, Cecile; et al
Dec-2017Drivers of measles mortality: the historic fatality burden of famine in BangladeshMahmud, Ayesha S.; Alam, N.; Metcalf, C. Jessica E.
Dec-2017Links between primary occupation and functional limitations among older adults in MexicoBeltrán-Sánchez, Hiram; Pebley, Anne; Goldman, Noreen
Dec-2017Valuing alternative work arrangementsMas, Alexandre; Pallais, Amanda
Dec-2017How Social-Class Stereotypes Maintain InequalityDurante, Federica; Fiske, Susan T.
30-Nov-2017The influence of anticipated pride and guilt on pro-environmental decision making.Schneider, Claudia R; Zaval, Lisa; Weber, Elke U; Markowitz, Ezra M
21-Nov-2017What Level of Health Spending Is "Affordable"?Reinhardt, Uwe
1-Nov-2017Gross worker flows over the business cycleKrusell, Per; Mukoyama, Toshihiko; Rogerson, Richard; Şahin, Aysegul
Nov-2017Maternal Education, Changing Family Circumstances, and Children’s Skill Development in the United States and UKJackson, Margot I.; Kiernan, Kathleen; McLanahan, Sara
30-Oct-2017A mechanistic spatio-temporal framework for modelling individual-to-individual transmission—With an application to the 2014-2015 West Africa Ebola outbreakLau, Max S.Y.; Gibson, Gavin J.; Adrakey, Hola; McClelland, Amanda; Riley, Steven; et al
28-Sep-2017tsiR: An R package for time-series Susceptible-Infected-Recovered models of epidemicsBecker, Alexander D.; Grenfell, Bryan T.