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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
1-Jan-2015The promise of birth controlHaskins, Ron; Sawhill, Isabel; McLanahan, Sara
8-May-2019Tax cuts for whom? Heterogeneous effects of income tax changes on growth and employmentZidar, Owen M.
Oct-2013Reliable, verifiable and efficient monitoring of biodiversity via metabarcodingJi, Yinqiu; Ashton, Louise; Pedley, Scott M.; Edwards, David P.; Tang, Yong, et al
2012Task Trade Between Similar CountriesRossi-Hansberg, Esteban A.; Grossman, Gene M.
May-2017Twenty Years of Time Series Econometrics in Ten PicturesStock, James H.; Watson, Mark W.
18-May-2017Fear, Appeasement, and the Effectiveness of DeterrenceGurantz, Ron; Hirsch, Alexander V.
Jan-2019Learning, career paths, and the distribution of wagesCaicedo, Santiago; Lucas Jr., Robert E.; Rossi-Hansberg, Esteban A.
1-Feb-2018Health at birth, parental investments, and academic outcomesBharadwaj, Prashant; Eberhard, Juan Pedro; Neilson, Christopher A.
1-Jun-2017The causes and costs of misallocationRestuccia, Diego; Rogerson, Richard
17-Aug-2016The Gender Gap in Mathematics: Evidence from ChileBharadwaj, Prashant; De Giorgi, Giacomo; Hansen, David; Neilson, Christopher A.