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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
6-Jul-2016High-pressure polymorphism of PbF2 to 75 GPaStan, Camelia V; Dutta, Rajkrishna; White, Claire E; Prakapenka, Vitali B; Duffy, Thomas S
Aug-2014Uncertainties, Correlations, and Optimal Blends of Drought Indices from the NLDAS Multiple Land Surface Model EnsembleXia, Youlong; Ek, Michael B; Mocko, David; Peters-Lidard, Christa D; Sheffield, Justin, et al
12-Apr-2022Activity Coefficients and Solubilities of NaCl in Water–Methanol Solutions from Molecular Dynamics SimulationsSina Hassanjani, Saravi; Panagiotopoulos, Athanassios Z.
16-Jul-2016Assessing GFDL high-resolution climate model water and energy budgets from AMIP simulations over AfricaTian, Di; Pan, Ming; Jia, Liwei; Vecchi, Gabriel; Wood, Eric F
Dec-2012Low Power Greenhouse Gas Sensors for Unmanned Aerial VehiclesKhan, Amir; Schaefer, David; Tao, Lei; Miller, David J; Sun, Kang, et al
14-Dec-2011Characterization of rainfall distribution and flooding associated with U.S. landfalling tropical cyclones: Analyses of Hurricanes Frances, Ivan, and Jeanne (2004)Villarini, Gabriele; Smith, James A; Baeck, Mary Lynn; Marchok, Timothy; Vecchi, Gabriel A
6-Dec-2024Observational partitioning of water and CO2 fluxes at National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) sites: a 5-year dataset of soil and plant components for spatial and temporal analysisZahn, Einara; Bou-Zeid, Elie
20-Sep-2022Water Adsorption on Mica Surfaces with Hydrophilicity Tuned by Counterion Types (Na, K, and Cs) and Structural FluorinationKoishi, Ayumi; Lee, Sang Soo; Fenter, Paul; Fernandez-Martinez, Alejandro; Bourg, Ian C
15-Feb-2023Structure–Thermodynamic Relationship of a Polysaccharide Gel (Alginate) as a Function of Water Content and Counterion Type (Na vs Ca)Agles, Avery; Bourg, Ian C.
15-Jan-2023North Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Outer Size and Structure Remain Unchanged by the Late Twenty-First CenturySchenkel, Benjamin A; Chavas, Daniel; Lin, Ning; Knutson, Thomas; Vecchi, Gabriel, et al