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Showing results 1 to 20 of 86  next >
Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
Mar-2012Amplitude analysis and measurement of the time-dependent CP asymmetry of decaysLees, JP; Poireau, V; Tisserand, V; Garra Tico, J; Grauges, E; et al
Jun-2014Antideuteron production in $\mathit{\ensuremath{\Upsilon}}(nS)$ decays and in ${e}^{+}{e}^{\ensuremath{-}}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}q\overline{q}$ at $\sqrt{s}\ensuremath{\approx}10.58\text{ }\text{ }\mathrm{GeV}$Lees, JP; Poireau, V; Tisserand, V; Grauges, E; Palano, A; et al
Apr-2012B0 meson decays to rho0 K*0, f0 K*0, and rho-K*+, including higher K* resonancesLees, JP; Poireau, V; Tisserand, V; Garra Tico, J; Grauges, E; et al
Aug-2018Baryon content in a sample of 91 galaxy clusters selected by the South Pole Telescope at 0.2 < z < 1.25Chiu, I; Mohr, JJ; McDonald, M; Bocquet, S; Desai, S; et al
May-2020Blinding multiprobe cosmological experimentsMuir, J; Bernstein, GM; Huterer, D; Elsner, F; Krause, E; et al
Dec-2014Bottomonium spectroscopy and radiative transitions involving the χbJ(1P , 2P) states at BABARLees, JP; Poireau, V; Tisserand, V; Grauges, E; Palano, A; et al
Nov-2012Branching fraction and form-factor shape measurements of exclusive charmless semileptonic decays, and determination of |Vub|Lees, JP; Poireau, V; Tisserand, V; Garra Tico, J; Grauges, E; et al
Feb-2013Branching fraction measurement of decays B+ -> ωℓ+v decaysLees, JP; Poireau, V; Tisserand, V; Garra Tico, J; Grauges, E; et al
Dec-2011Branching Fraction Measurements of the Color-Suppressed Decays B0 to D(∗)0π 0 , D(∗)0η, D(∗)0ω, and D(∗)0η ′ and Measurement of the Polarization in the Decay B0 → D∗0ωLees, JP; Poireau, V; Tisserand, V; Garra Tico, J; Grauges, E; et al
Nov-2012The branching fraction of τ − → π −K0 SK0 S (π 0 )ντ decaysLees, JP; Poireau, V; Tisserand, V; Garra Tico, J; Grauges, E; et al
Dec-2018A catalogue of structural and morphological measurements for DES Y1Tarsitano, E; Hartley, WG; Amara, A; Bluck, A; Bruderer, C; et al
Dec-2015Collins asymmetries in inclusive charged and pairs produced in annihilationLees, JP; Poireau, V; Tisserand, V; Grauges, E; Palano, A; et al
1-Dec-2016Comparing Dark Energy Survey and HST-CLASH observations of the galaxy cluster RXC J2248.7-4431: implications for stellar mass versus dark matterPalmese, A; Lahav, O; Banerji, M; Gruen, D; Jouvel, S; et al
15-Sep-2019Constraints on the redshift evolution of astrophysical feedback with Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect cross-correlationsPandey, S; Baxter, EJ; Xu, Z; Orlowski-Scherer, J; Zhu, N; et al
3-May-2019Cosmological Constraints from Multiple Probes in the Dark Energy SurveyAbbott, TMC; Alarcon, A; Allam, S; Andersen, P; Andrade-Oliveira, F; et al
Jul-2019Cosmological lensing ratios with DES Y1, SPT, and PlanckPrat, J; Baxter, E; Shin, T; Sanchez, C; Chang, C; et al
Dec-2016Cosmology constraints from shear peak statistics in Dark Energy Survey Science Verification dataKacprzak, T; Kirk, D; Friedrich, O; Amara, A; Refregier, A; et al
Feb-2017Cosmology from large-scale galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing with Dark Energy Survey Science Verification dataKwan, J; Sanchez, C; Clampitt, J; Blazek, J; Crocce, M; et al
11-Jun-2016Cross-correlation of gravitational lensing from DES Science Verification data with SPT and Planck lensingKirk, D; Omori, Y; Benoit-Levy, A; Cawthon, R; Chang, C; et al