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Branching Fraction Measurements of the Color-Suppressed Decays B0 to D(∗)0π 0 , D(∗)0η, D(∗)0ω, and D(∗)0η ′ and Measurement of the Polarization in the Decay B0 → D∗0ω

Author(s): Lees, JP; Poireau, V; Tisserand, V; Garra Tico, J; Grauges, E; et al

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Abstract: We report updated branching fraction measurements of the color-suppressed decays B 0 → D0π 0 , D ∗0π 0 , D 0 η, D ∗0 η, D 0ω, D ∗0ω, D 0 η ′ , and D ∗0 η ′ . We measure the branching fractions (×10−4 ): B(B 0 → D 0π 0 ) = 2.69 ± 0.09 ± 0.13, B(B 0 → D ∗0π 0 ) = 3.05 ± 0.14 ± 0.28, B(B 0 → D 0 η) = 2.53 ± 0.09 ± 0.11, B(B 0 → D ∗0 η) = 2.69 ± 0.14 ± 0.23, B(B 0 → D 0ω) = 2.57 ± 0.11 ± 0.14, B(B 0 → D ∗0ω) = 4.55 ± 0.24 ± 0.39, B(B 0 → D 0 η ′ ) = 1.48 ± 0.13 ± 0.07, and B(B 0 → D ∗0 η ′ ) = 1.49 ± 0.22 ± 0.15. We also present the first measurement of the longitudinal polarization fraction of the decay channel D∗0ω, fL=(66.5 ± 4.7 ± 1.5)%. In the above, the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic. The results are based on a sample of (454 ± 5) × 106 BB pairs collected at the Υ (4S) resonance, with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II storage rings at SLAC. The measurements are the most precise determinations of these quantities from a single experiment. They are compared to theoretical predictions obtained by factorization, Soft Collinear Effective Theory (SCET) and perturbative QCD (pQCD). We find that the presence of final state interactions is favored and the measurements are in better agreement with SCET than with pQCD.
Publication Date: Dec-2011
Electronic Publication Date: 16-Dec-2011
Citation: Lees, JP, Poireau, V, Tisserand, V, Garra Tico, J, Grauges, E, Martinelli, M, Milanes, DA, Palano, A, Pappagallo, M, Eigen, G, Stugu, B, Brown, DN, Kerth, LT, Kolomensky, Yu G, Lynch, G, Koch, H, Schroeder, T, Asgeirsson, DJ, Hearty, C, Mattison, TS, McKenna, JA, Khan, A, Blinov, VE, Buzykaev, AR, Druzhinin, VP, Golubev, VB, Kravchenko, EA, Onuchin, AP, Serednyakov, SI, Skovpen, Yu I, Solodov, EP, Todyshev, K Yu, Yushkov, AN, Bondioli, M, Kirkby, D, Lankford, AJ, Mandelkern, M, Stoker, DP, Atmacan, H, Gary, JW, Liu, F, Long, O, Vitug, GM, Campagnari, C, Hong, TM, Kovalskyi, D, Richman, JD, West, CA, Eisner, AM, Kroseberg, J, Lockman, WS, Martinez, AJ, Schalk, T, Schumm, BA, Seiden, A, Cheng, CH, Doll, DA, Echenard, B, Flood, KT, Hitlin, DG, Ongmongkolkul, P, Porter, FC, Rakitin, AY, Andreassen, R, Dubrovin, MS, Huard, Z, Meadows, BT, Sokoloff, MD, Sun, L, Bloom, PC, Ford, WT, Gaz, A, Nagel, M, Nauenberg, U, Smith, JG, Wagner, SR, Ayad, R, Toki, WH, Spaan, B, Kobel, MJ, Prudent, X, Schubert, KR, Schwierz, R, Bernard, D, Verderi, M, Clark, PJ, Playfer, S, Bettoni, D, Bozzi, C, Calabrese, R, Cibinetto, G, Fioravanti, E, Garzia, I, Luppi, E, Munerato, M, Negrini, M, Piemontese, L, Santoro, V, Baldini-Ferroli, R, Calcaterra, A, de Sangro, R, Finocchiaro, G, Nicolaci, M, Patteri, P, Peruzzi, IM, Piccolo, M, Rama, M, Zallo, A, Contri, R, Guido, E, Lo Vetere, M, Monge, MR, Passaggio, S, Patrignani, C, Robutti, E, Bhuyan, B, Prasad, V, Lee, CL, Morii, M, Edwards, AJ, Adametz, A, Marks, J, Uwer, U, Bernlochner, FU, Ebert, M, Lacker, HM, Lueck, T, Dauncey, PD, Tibbetts, M, Behera, PK, Mallik, U, Chen, C, Cochran, J, Meyer, WT, Prell, S, Rosenberg, EI, Rubin, AE, Gritsan, AV, Guo, ZJ, Arnaud, N, Davier, M, Grosdidier, G, Le Diberder, F, Lutz, AM, Malaescu, B, Roudeau, P, Schune, MH, Stocchi, A, Wormser, G, Lange, DJ, Wright, DM, Bingham, I, Chavez, CA, Coleman, JP, Fry, JR, Gabathuler, E, Hutchcroft, DE, Payne, DJ, Touramanis, C, Bevan, AJ, Di Lodovico, F, Sacco, R, Sigamani, M, Cowan, G, Brown, DN, Davis, CL, Denig, AG, Fritsch, M, Gradl, W, Hafner, A, Prencipe, E, Alwyn, KE, Bailey, D, Barlow, RJ, Jackson, G, Lafferty, GD, Cenci, R, Hamilton, B, Jawahery, A, Roberts, DA, Simi, G, Dallapiccola, C, Cowan, R, Dujmic, D, Sciolla, G, Lindemann, D, Patel, PM, Robertson, SH, Schram, M, Biassoni, P, Lazzaro, A, Lombardo, V, Neri, N, Palombo, F, Stracka, S, Cremaldi, L, Godang, R, Kroeger, R, Sonnek, P, Summers, DJ, Nguyen, X, Taras, P, De Nardo, G, Monorchio, D, Onorato, G, Sciacca, C, Raven, G, Snoek, HL, Jessop, CP, Knoepfel, KJ, LoSecco, JM, Wang, WF, Honscheid, K, Kass, R, Brau, J, Frey, R, Sinev, NB, Strom, D, Torrence, E, Feltresi, E, Gagliardi, N, Margoni, M, Morandin, M, Posocco, M, Rotondo, M, Simonetto, F, Stroili, R, Ben-Haim, E, Bomben, M, Bonneaud, GR, Briand, H, Calderini, G, Chauveau, J, Hamon, O, Leruste, Ph, Marchiori, G, Ocariz, J, Sitt, S, Biasini, M, Manoni, E, Pacetti, S, Rossi, A, Angelini, C, Batignani, G, Bettarini, S, Carpinelli, M, Casarosa, G, Cervelli, A, Forti, F, Giorgi, MA, Lusiani, A, Oberhof, B, Paoloni, E, Perez, A, Rizzo, G, Walsh, JJ, Lopes Pegna, D, Lu, C, Olsen, J, Smith, AJS, Telnov, AV, Anulli, F, Cavoto, G, Faccini, R, Ferrarotto, F, Ferroni, F, Gaspero, M, Li Gioi, L, Mazzoni, MA, Piredda, G, Bünger, C, Grünberg, O, Hartmann, T, Leddig, T, Schröder, H, Waldi, R, Adye, T, Olaiya, EO, Wilson, FF, Emery, S, Hamel de Monchenault, G, Vasseur, G, Yèche, Ch, Aston, D, Bard, DJ, Bartoldus, R, Cartaro, C, Convery, MR, Dorfan, J, Dubois-Felsmann, GP, Dunwoodie, W, Field, RC, Franco Sevilla, M, Fulsom, BG, Gabareen, AM, Graham, MT, Grenier, P, Hast, C, Innes, WR, Kelsey, MH, Kim, H, Kim, P, Kocian, ML, Leith, DWGS, Lewis, P, Li, S, Lindquist, B, Luitz, S, Luth, V, Lynch, HL, MacFarlane, DB, Muller, DR, Neal, H, Nelson, S, Ofte, I, Perl, M, Pulliam, T, Ratcliff, BN, Roodman, A, Salnikov, AA, Schindler, RH, Snyder, A, Su, D, Sullivan, MK, Va’vra, J, Wagner, AP, Weaver, M, Wisniewski, WJ, Wittgen, M, Wright, DH, Wulsin, HW, Yarritu, AK, Young, CC, Ziegler, V, Park, W, Purohit, MV, White, RM, Wilson, JR, Randle-Conde, A, Sekula, SJ, Bellis, M, Benitez, JF, Burchat, PR, Miyashita, TS, Alam, MS, Ernst, JA, Gorodeisky, R, Guttman, N, Peimer, DR, Soffer, A, Lund, P, Spanier, SM, Eckmann, R, Ritchie, JL, Ruland, AM, Schilling, CJ, Schwitters, RF, Wray, BC, Izen, JM, Lou, XC, Bianchi, F, Gamba, D, Lanceri, L, Vitale, L, Martinez-Vidal, F, Oyanguren, A, Ahmed, H, Albert, J, Banerjee, Sw, Choi, HHF, King, GJ, Kowalewski, R, Lewczuk, MJ, Lindsay, C, Nugent, IM, Roney, JM, Sobie, RJ, Tasneem, N, Gershon, TJ, Harrison, PF, Latham, TE, Puccio, EMT, Band, HR, Dasu, S, Pan, Y, Prepost, R, Wu, SL. (2011). Branching Fraction Measurements of the Color-Suppressed Decays B0 to D(∗)0π 0 , D(∗)0η, D(∗)0ω, and D(∗)0η ′ and Measurement of the Polarization in the Decay B0 → D∗0ω. Physical Review D, 84 (11), 10.1103/PhysRevD.84.112007
DOI: doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.84.112007
ISSN: 1550-7998
EISSN: 1550-2368
Pages: 1 - 27
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: Physical Review D
Version: Author's manuscript

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