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Browsing by Author Rexford, Jennifer L.

Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
3-Apr-2017Dapper: Data plane performance diagnosis of TCPGhasemi, M; Benson, T; Rexford, Jennifer L.
1-Dec-2015Efficient traffic splitting on commodity switchesKang, N; Ghobadi, M; Reumann, J; Rexford, Jennifer L.; Shraer, A
3-Apr-2017Heavy-hitter detection entirely in the data planeSivaraman, V; Narayana, S; Rottenstreich, O; Muthukrishnan, S; Rexford, Jennifer L.
14-Feb-2013Languages for software-defined networksFoster, N; Guha, A; Reitblatt, M; Story, A; Freedman, Michael J.; et al
28-Jul-2014P4: Programming protocol-independent packet processorsBosshart, P; Daly, D; Gibb, G; Izzard, M; McKeown, N; et al
14-Nov-2016Performance characterization of a commercial video streaming serviceGhasemi, M; Kanuparthy, P; Mansy, A; Benson, T; Rexford, Jennifer L.
22-Aug-2016SNAP: Stateful network-wide abstractions for packet processingArashloo, MT; Koral, Y; Greenberg, M; Rexford, Jennifer L.; Walker, David