Browsing by Author Gruen, D
Showing results 79 to 89 of 89
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Publication Date | Article Title | Author(s) |
May-2016 | THE REDMAPPER GALAXY CLUSTER CATALOG FROM DES SCIENCE VERIFICATION DATA | Rykoff, ES; Rozo, E; Hollowood, D; Bermeo-Hernandez, A; Jeltema, T; et al |
1-Sep-2018 | The Splashback Feature around DES Galaxy Clusters: Galaxy Density and Weak Lensing Profiles | Chang, C; Baxter, E; Jain, B; Sanchez, C; Adhikari, S; et al |
Mar-2020 | The SPTpol Extended Cluster Survey | Bleem, LE; Bocquet, S; Stalder, B; Gladders, MD; Ade, PAR; et al |
Jun-2020 | STRIDES: a 3.9 per cent measurement of the Hubble constant from the strong lens system DES J0408-5354 | Shajib, AJ; Birrer, S; Treu, T; Agnello, A; Buckley-Geer, EJ; et al |
8-Jul-2022 | Superclustering with the Atacama Cosmology Telescope and Dark Energy Survey. I. Evidence for Thermal Energy Anisotropy Using Oriented Stacking | Lokken, M; Hložek, R; Engelen, A van; Madhavacheril, M; Baxter, E; et al |
Jul-2016 | SUPPLEMENT: “LOCALIZATION AND BROADBAND FOLLOW-UP OF THE GRAVITATIONAL-WAVE TRANSIENT GW150914” (2016, ApJL, 826, L13) | Abbott, BP; Abbott, R; Abbott, TD; Abernathy, MR; Acernese, F; et al |
Apr-2017 | Testing the lognormality of the galaxy and weak lensing convergence distributions from Dark Energy Survey maps | Clerkin, L; Kirk, D; Manera, M; Lahav, O; Abdalla, F; et al |
Mar-2019 | Transfer learning for galaxy morphology from one survey to another | Sanchez, H Dominguez; Huertas-Company, M; Bernardi, M; Kaviraj, S; Fischer, JL; et al |
May-2018 | Weak lensing magnification in the Dark Energy Survey Science Verification data | Garcia-Fernandez, M; Sanchez, E; Sevilla-Noarbe, I; Suchyta, E; Huff, EM; et al |
May-2019 | Weak-lensing analysis of SPT-selected galaxy clusters using Dark Energy Survey Science Verification data | Stern, C; Dietrich, JP; Bocquet, S; Applegate, D; Mohr, JJ; et al |
Aug-2017 | Weak-lensing mass calibration of redMaPPer galaxy clusters in Dark Energy Survey Science Verification data | Melchior, Peter M; Gruen, D; McClintock, T; Varga, TN; Sheldon, E; et al |