Browsing by Author Benziger, J
Showing results 6 to 23 of 23
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Publication Date | Article Title | Author(s) |
2016 | High significance measurement of the terrestrial neutrino flux with the Borexino detector | Ianni, A; Agostini, M; Altenmueller, K; Appel, S; Bellini, G; et al |
19 | Independent determination of the Earth’s orbital parameters with solar neutrinos in Borexino | Appel, S; Bagdasarian, Z; Basilico, D; Bellini, G; Benziger, J; et al |
1-Jan-2013 | Low energy neutrinos | Ranucci, G; Bellini, G; Benziger, J; Bick, D; Bonfini, G; et al |
2-Oct-2012 | Measurement of CNGS muon neutrino speed with Borexino | Sanchez, P Alvarez; Barzaghi, R; Bellini, G; Benziger, J; Betti, B; et al |
Nov-2016 | Measurement of neutrino flux from the primary proton-proton fusion process in the Sun with Borexino detector | Smirnov, O Yu; Agostini, M; Appel, S; Bellini, G; Benziger, J; et al |
1-Mar-2019 | Monte Carlo simulation of the SABRE PoP background | Antonello, M; Barberio, E; Baroncelli, T; Benziger, J; Bignell, LJ; et al |
2015 | Neutrino Measurements from the Sun and Earth: Results from Borexino | Bellini, G; Benziger, J; Bick, D; Bonfini, G; Bravo, D; et al |
2015 | New results of the Borexino experiment: pp solar neutrino detection | Davini, S; Bellini, G; Benziger, J; Bick, D; Bonfini, G; et al |
Jan-2017 | Real-time detection of solar neutrinos with Borexino | Marcocci, S; Agostini, M; Altenmueller, K; Appel, S; Bellini, G; et al |
2016 | Recent Borexino results and prospects for the near future | D Angelo, D; Agostini, M; Altenmueller, K; Appel, S; Bellini, G; et al |
2016 | Recent results from Borexino | Testera, G; Agostini, M; Altenmueller, K; Appel, S; Bellini, G; et al |
Apr-2016 | Recent results from Borexino and the first real time measure of solar pp neutrinos | Zavatarelli, S; Bellini, G; Benziger, J; Bick, D; Bonfini, G; et al |
26-Nov-2020 | Sensitivity to neutrinos from the solar CNO cycle in Borexino | Agostini, M; Altenmüller, K; Appel, S; Atroshchenko, V; Bagdasarian, Z; et al |
2016 | Short distance neutrino oscillations with Borexino | Caminata, A; Agostini, M; Altenmueller, K; Appel, S; Bellini, G; et al |
1-Jan-2012 | Solar neutrino results with Borexino I | Ludhova, L; Bellini, G; Benziger, J; Bick, D; Bonfini, G; et al |
Apr-2016 | SOX : Short Distance Neutrino Oscillations with Borexino | Bravo-Berguno, D; Agostini, M; Althenmueller, K; Bellini, G; Benziger, J; et al |
2016 | SOX: search for short base line neutrino oscillations with Borexino | Vivier, M; Agostini, M; Altenmueller, K; Appel, S; Bellini, G; et al |
1-Jan-2016 | SOX: Short distance neutrino Oscillations with BoreXino | Neumair, B; Agostini, M; Altenmüller, K; Appel, S; Atroshchenko, V; et al |