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Showing results 17 to 36 of 80 < previous   next >
Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
30-Jul-2012First evidence of pep solar neutrinos by direct detection in BorexinoGalbiati, C; Bellini, G; Benziger, J; Bick, D; Bonetti, S; et al
2016First real-time detection of solar pp neutrinos by BorexinoPallavicini, M; Bellini, G; Benziger, J; Bick, D; Bonfini, G; et al
2016Geo-neutrino results with BorexinoRoncin, R; Agostini, M; Appel, S; Bellini, G; Benziger, Jay B.; et al
Mar-2015Geo-neutrinos and BorexinoLudhova, L; Bellini, G; Benziger, Jay B.; Bick, D; Bonfini, G; et al
2015Geo-neutrinos from 1353 Days with the Borexino DetectorMiramonti, L; Bellini, G; Benziger, Jay B.; Bick, D; Bonfini, G; et al
2016The high precision measurement of the Ce-144 activity in the SOX experimentDi Noto, L; Agostini, M; Althenmueller, K; Appel, S; Bellini, G; et al
2016High significance measurement of the terrestrial neutrino flux with the Borexino detectorIanni, A; Agostini, M; Altenmueller, K; Appel, S; Bellini, G; et al
7-Dec-2021Identification of the cosmogenic 11 C background in large volumes of liquid scintillators with BorexinoAgostini, M; Altenmüller, K; Appel, S; Atroshchenko, V; Bagdasarian, Z; et al
6-Mar-2020Improved measurement of 8B solar neutrinos with 1.5 kt · y of Borexino exposureAgostini, M; Altenmüller, K; Appel, S; Atroshchenko, V; Bagdasarian, Z; et al
2017Improvements in the simulation code of the SOX experimentCaminata, A; Agostini, M; Altenmueeller, K; Appel, S; Atroshchenko, V; et al
19Independent determination of the Earth’s orbital parameters with solar neutrinos in BorexinoAppel, S; Bagdasarian, Z; Basilico, D; Bellini, G; Benziger, J; et al
Jul-2013Lifetime measurements of Po-214 and Po-212 with the CTF liquid scintillator detector at LNGSBellini, G; Benziger, Jay B.; Bick, D; Bonfini, G; Bravo, D; et al
Dec-2014Lifetimes of Po-214 and Po-212 measured with Counting Test Facility at Gran Sasso National LaboratoryMiramonti, L; Bellini, G; Benziger, Jay B.; Bick, D; Bonfini, G; et al
1-Nov-2017Limiting neutrino magnetic moments with Borexino Phase-II solar neutrino dataAgostini, M; Altenmueller, K; Appel, S; Atroshchenko, V; Bagdasarian, Z; et al
1-Jan-2013Low energy neutrinosRanucci, G; Bellini, G; Benziger, J; Bick, D; Bonfini, G; et al
Aug-2015Low-energy (anti)neutrino physics with Borexino: Neutrinos from the primary proton-proton fusion process in the SunMosteiro, P; Bellini, G; Benziger, Jay B.; Bick, D; Bonfini, G; et al
2-Oct-2012Measurement of CNGS muon neutrino speed with BorexinoSanchez, P Alvarez; Barzaghi, R; Bellini, G; Benziger, J; Betti, B; et al
24-May-2013Measurement of geo-neutrinos from 1353 days of BorexinoBellini, G; Benziger, Jay B.; Bick, D; Bonfini, G; Bravo, D; et al
Nov-2016Measurement of neutrino flux from the primary proton-proton fusion process in the Sun with Borexino detectorSmirnov, O Yu; Agostini, M; Appel, S; Bellini, G; Benziger, J; et al
2016Measurement of Solar pp-neutrino flux with Borexino: results and implicationsSmirnov, O Yu; Agostini, M; Appel, S; Bellini, G; Benziger, Jay B.; et al