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Showing results 1 to 20 of 41  next >
Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
1-Sep-2018The added value of IMERG in characterizing rainfall in tropical cyclonesRios Gaona, Manuel F; Villarini, Gabriele; Zhang, Wei; Vecchi, Gabriel A
24-Nov-2020Attribution of the impacts of the 2008 flooding in Cedar Rapids (Iowa) to anthropogenic forcingVillarini, Gabriele; Zhang, Wei; Quintero, Felipe; Krajewski, Witold F; Vecchi, Gabriel A
Jan-2013Changing Frequency of Heavy Rainfall over the Central United StatesVillarini, Gabriele; Smith, James A; Vecchi, Gabriel A
14-Dec-2011Characterization of rainfall distribution and flooding associated with U.S. landfalling tropical cyclones: Analyses of Hurricanes Frances, Ivan, and Jeanne (2004)Villarini, Gabriele; Smith, James A; Baeck, Mary Lynn; Marchok, Timothy; Vecchi, Gabriel A
1-Jan-2017Contribution of Tropical Cyclones to Rainfall at the Global ScaleKhouakhi, Abdou; Villarini, Gabriele; Vecchi, Gabriel A
1-Dec-2013Determining tropical cyclone inland flooding loss on a large scale through a new flood peak ratio-based methodologyCzajkowski, Jeffrey; Villarini, Gabriele; Michel-Kerjan, Erwann; Smith, James A
Aug-2014Development of a High-Resolution Gridded Daily Meteorological Dataset over Sub-Saharan Africa: Spatial Analysis of Trends in Climate ExtremesChaney, Nathaniel W; Sheffield, Justin; Villarini, Gabriele; Wood, Eric F
16-Jan-2018Dominant Role of Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation in the Recent Decadal Changes in Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclone ActivityZhang, Wei; Vecchi, Gabriel A; Murakami, Hiroyuki; Villarini, Gabriele; Delworth, Thomas L; et al
1-Sep-2013Dynamical downscaling projections of twenty-first-century atlantic hurricane activity: CMIP3 and CMIP5 model-based scenariosKnutson, Thomas R; Sirutis, Joseph J; Vecchi, Gabriel A; Garner, Stephen; Zhao, Ming; et al
Dec-2019A dynamical statistical framework for seasonal streamflow forecasting in an agricultural watershedSlater, Louise J; Villarini, Gabriele; Bradley, A Allen; Vecchi, Gabriel A
8-Jul-2020The East Asian Subtropical Jet Stream and Atlantic Tropical CyclonesZhang, Wei; Villarini, Gabriele; Vecchi, Gabriel A
1-Sep-2015Erratum: Hurricanes and Climate: The U.S. CLIVAR Working Group on HurricanesWalsh, Kevin JE; Camargo, Suzana J; Vecchi, Gabriel A; Daloz, Anne Sophie; Elsner, James; et al
Dec-2013Extreme Flood Response: The June 2008 Flooding in IowaSmith, James A; Baeck, Mary Lynn; Villarini, Gabriele; Wright, Daniel B; Krajewski, Witold
15-Sep-2015Global Projections of Intense Tropical Cyclone Activity for the Late Twenty-First Century from Dynamical Downscaling of CMIP5/RCP4.5 ScenariosKnutson, Thomas R; Sirutis, Joseph J; Zhao, Ming; Tuleya, Robert E; Bender, Morris; et al
Oct-2017High resolution decadal precipitation predictions over the continental United States for impacts assessmentSalvi, Kaustubh; Villarini, Gabriele; Vecchi, Gabriel A
3-Jan-2024Higher emissions scenarios lead to more extreme flooding in the United StatesKim, Hanbeen; Villarini, Gabriele
1-Jun-2015Hurricanes and Climate: The U.S. CLIVAR Working Group on HurricanesWalsh, Kevin JE; Camargo, Suzana J; Vecchi, Gabriel A; Daloz, Anne Sophie; Elsner, James; et al
15-Nov-2017Improved ENSO Forecasting Using Bayesian Updating and the North American Multimodel Ensemble (NMME)Zhang, Wei; Villarini, Gabriele; Slater, Louise; Vecchi, Gabriel A; Bradley, A Allen
15-Feb-2016Improved Simulation of Tropical Cyclone Responses to ENSO in the Western North Pacific in the High-Resolution GFDL HiFLOR Coupled Climate ModelZhang, Wei; Vecchi, Gabriel A; Murakami, Hiroyuki; Delworth, Thomas; Wittenberg, Andrew T; et al
1-Dec-2016Influences of Natural Variability and Anthropogenic Forcing on the Extreme 2015 Accumulated Cyclone Energy in the Western North PacificZhang, Wei; Vecchi, Gabriel A; Murakami, Hiroyuki; Villarini, Gabriele; Delworth, Thomas L; et al