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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
4-Sep-2018Results from the Atacama B-mode Search (ABS) experimentKusaka, Akito; Appel, John; Essinger-Hileman, Thomas; Beall, James A; Campusano, Luis E, et al
16-May-2018Exact correlators on the Wilson loop in $$ \mathcal{N}=4 $$ SYM: localization, defect CFT, and integrabilityGiombi, Simone; Komatsu, Shota
5-Oct-2021Spatiotemporal Analysis for Age of Information in Random Access Networks Under Last-Come First-Serve With Replacement ProtocolYang, Howard H; Arafa, Ahmed; Quek, Tony QS; Poor, H Vincent
2014Energy Harvesting Cooperative Networks: Is the Max-Min Criterion Still Diversity-Optimal?Ding, Zhiguo; Poor, H Vincent
12-Feb-2015Feasibility of using discriminate pricing schemes for energy trading in smart gridTushar, Wayes; Yuen, Chau; Chai, Bo; Smith, David B; Poor, H Vincent
31-Jul-2018Advanced ACTPol TES Device Parameters and Noise Performance in Fielded ArraysCrowley, Kevin T; Austermann, Jason E; Choi, Steve K; Duff, Shannon M; Gallardo, Patricio A, et al
12-Feb-2015Optimal power allocation in block fading Gaussian channels with causal CSI and secrecy constraintsChorti, Arsenia; Papadaki, Katerina; Poor, H Vincent
Apr-2021Subspace estimation from unbalanced and incomplete data matrices: ℓ2,∞ statistical guaranteesCai, Changxiao; Li, Gen; Chi, Yuejie; Poor, H Vincent; Chen, Yuxin
2013Distributed Linear Parameter Estimation: Asymptotically Efficient Adaptive StrategiesKar, Soummya; Moura, José MF; Poor, H Vincent
4-Dec-2018Caching With Time Domain Buffer SharingChen, Wei; Poor, H Vincent