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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
23-Sep-2015Does Product Placement Change Television Viewers’ Social Behavior?Paluck, Elizabeth Levy; Lagunes, Paul; Green, Donald P; Vavreck, Lynn; Peer, Limor, et al
9-Jan-2013The Neural Substrates of Social Influence on Decision MakingTomlin, Damon; Nedic, Andrea; Prentice, Deborah A; Holmes, Philip; Cohen, Jonathan D
26-Jun-2015Promoting an open research culture: Author guidelines for journals could help to promote transparency, openness, and reproducibilityNosek, BA; Alter, G; Banks, GC; Borsboom, D; Bowman, SD, et al
25-Aug-2017Noise correlations in the human brain and their impact on pattern classificationRao Bejjanki, Vikranth; da Silveira, Rava Azeredo; Cohen, Jonathan D.; Turk-Browne, Nicholas B.
Oct-2017Cyclical population dynamics of automatic versus controlled processing: An evolutionary pendulum.Rand, David G.; Tomlin, Damon; Bear, Adam; Ludvig, Elliot A.; Cohen, Jonathan D.
Dec-2018Dissociable neural mechanisms track evidence accumulation for selection of attention versus actionShenhav, Amitai; Straccia, Mark A.; Musslick, Sebastian; Cohen, Jonathan D.; Botvinick, Matthew M.
26-Apr-2017The effect of atomoxetine on random and directed exploration in humansWarren, Christopher M.; Wilson, Robert C.; van der Wee, Nic J.; Giltay, Eric J.; van Noorden, Martijn S., et al
Dec-2016Neural evidence of the strategic choice between working memory and episodic memory in prospective rememberingLewis-Peacock, Jarrod A.; Cohen, Jonathan D.; Norman, Kenneth A.
15-Feb-2012The Function and Organization of Lateral Prefrontal Cortex: A Test of Competing HypothesesReynolds, Jeremy R.; O'Reilly, Randall C.; Cohen, Jonathan D.; Braver, Todd S.
19-Aug-2015A Multi-Area Stochastic Model for a Covert Visual Search TaskSchwemmer, Michael A.; Feng, Samuel F.; Holmes, Philip J.; Gottlieb, Jacqueline; Cohen, Jonathan D.