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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
Feb-2017Cosmology from large-scale galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing with Dark Energy Survey Science Verification dataKwan, J; Sanchez, C; Clampitt, J; Blazek, J; Crocce, M, et al
1-Dec-2016Comparing Dark Energy Survey and HST-CLASH observations of the galaxy cluster RXC J2248.7-4431: implications for stellar mass versus dark matterPalmese, A; Lahav, O; Banerji, M; Gruen, D; Jouvel, S, et al
6-Dec-2017Collective Behavior of Place and Non-place Neurons in the Hippocampal NetworkMeshulam, Leenoy; Gauthier, Jeffrey L; Brody, Carlos D; Tank, David W; Bialek, William
Aug-2009Family Structure Transitions and Maternal Parenting StressCooper, Carey E.; McLanahan, Sara; Meadows, Sarah O.; Brooks-Gunn, Jeanne
2009From Bosnia to Baghdad the Case for Regulating Private Military and Security CompaniesNimkar, Ruta
Dec-2019Evolution of supernovae-driven superbubbles with conduction and coolingEl-Badry, Kareem; Ostriker, Eve C; Kim, Chang-Goo; Quataert, Eliot; Weisz, Daniel R
Apr-2008Stability and Change in Family Structure and Maternal Health TrajectoriesMeadows, Sarah O.; McLanahan, Sara; Brooks-Gunn, Jeanne
3-Nov-2017Kapwani Kiwanga’s Alien SpeculationsSteingo, Gavin
1-May-2019Desert BloomsChaudhary, Zahid R
2018Samo Tomšič. The Capitalist Unconscious: Marx and Lacan. New York: Verso, 2015. 256 pp.Cole, Andrew