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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
-Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Conversations with Rush Rhees (1939-50): from the notes of Rush RheesCitron, Gabriel
Aug-2017Weak-lensing mass calibration of redMaPPer galaxy clusters in Dark Energy Survey Science Verification dataMelchior, Peter M; Gruen, D; McClintock, T; Varga, TN; Sheldon, E, et al
2014States of “State Buddhism”: History, Religion, and Politics in Late Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century ScholarshipLowe, Bryan
10-Jul-2017Core or Cusps: The Central Dark Matter Profile of a Strong Lensing Cluster with a Bright Central Image at Redshift 1Collett, Thomas E; Buckley-Geer, Elizabeth; Lin, Huan; Bacon, David; Nichol, Robert C, et al
13-Mar-2020Detection of Cross-Correlation between Gravitational Lensing and gamma RaysAmmazzalorso, S; Gruen, D; Regis, M; Camera, S; Ando, S, et al
-Evolution of highly eccentric binary neutron stars including tidal effectsYang, Huan; East, William E; Paschalidis, Vasileios; Pretorius, Frans; Mendes, Raissa FP
10-Oct-2017Crowded Field Galaxy Photometry: Precision Colors in the CLASH ClustersConnor, Thomas; Donahue, Megan; Kelson, Daniel D; Moustakas, John; Coe, Dan, et al
2013Moore’s Notes on Wittgenstein’s Lectures, Cambridge 1930-1933:Text, Context, and ContentCitron, Gabriel; Stern, David; Rogers, Brian
Jan-2015A Discussion Between Wittgenstein and Moore on Certainty (1939): from the notes of Norman MalcolmCitron, Gabriel
2016A Linearly Convergent Variant of the Conditional Gradient Algorithm under Strong Convexity, with Applications to Online and Stochastic OptimizationGarber, Dan; Hazan, Elad