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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
Jan-2019Temporal Dynamics and Response Modulation across the Human Visual System in a Spatial Attention Task: An ECoG Study.Martin, Anne B.; Yang, Xiaofang; Saalmann, Yuri B.; Wang, Liang; Shestyuk, Avgusta, et al
1-Jan-2014Hubble Space Telescope hot Jupiter transmission spectral survey: a detection of Na and strong optical absorption in HAT-P-1bNikolov, N; Sing, DK; Pont, F; Burrows, Adam S.; Fortney, JJ, et al
8-Jul-2015The Anatomical and Functional Organization of the Human Visual PulvinarArcaro, Michael J.; Pinsk, Mark A.; Kastner, Sabine
2015Topographic organization of areas V3 and V4 and its relation to supra-areal organization of the primate visual systemArcaro, Michael J.; Kastner, Sabine
15-Jan-2019The mediodorsal pulvinar coordinates the macaque fronto-parietal network during rhythmic spatial attention.Fiebelkorn, Ian C.; Pinsk, Mark A.; Kastner, Sabine
20-Mar-2013Shifting Attentional Priorities: Control of Spatial Attention through Hemispheric CompetitionSzczepanski, Sara M.; Kastner, Sabine
Mar-2017Children’s Education and Parents’ Trajectories of Depressive SymptomsLee, Chioun; Glei, Dana A.; Goldman, Noreen; Weinstein, Maxine
Mar-2013Changes in income inequality and the health of immigrantsHamilton, Tod G.; Kawachi, Ichiro
Jan-2018Apolipoprotein E, cognitive function, and cognitive decline among older Taiwanese adultsTodd, Megan; Schneper, Lisa; Vasunilashorn, Sarinnapha M.; Notterman, Daniel; Ullman, Michael T., et al
1-Jan-2018Black Immigration, Occupational Niches, and Earnings Disparities Between U.S.-Born and Foreign-Born Blacks in the United StatesHamilton, Tod G.; Easley, Janeria A.; Dixon, Angela R.