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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
Apr-2020Dark Energy Survey Year 1 Results: Wide-field mass maps via forward fitting in harmonic spaceMawdsley, B; Bacon, D; Chang, C; Melchior, Peter M; Rozo, E, et al
9-Jul-2018Genome-wide real-time in vivo transcriptional dynamics during Plasmodium falciparum blood-stage developmentPainter, Heather J; Chung, Neo Christopher; Sebastian, Aswathy; Albert, Istvan; Storey, John D, et al
31-Mar-2016Statistical-dynamical seasonal forecast of western North Pacific and East Asia landfalling tropical cyclones using the high resolution GFDL FLOR coupled modelZhang, Wei; Villarini, Gabriele; Vecchi, Gabriel A; Murakami, Hiroyuki; Gudgel, Richard
2016Additive Growth and Crystallization of Polymer FilmsJeong, Hyuncheol; Shepard, Kimberly B; Purdum, Geoffrey E; Guo, Yunlong; Loo, Yueh-Lin, et al
12-Dec-2013Gene set bagging for estimating the probability a statistically significant result will replicateJaffe, Andrew E; Storey, John D; Ji, Hongkai; Leek, Jeffrey T
31-May-2016Comment on ‘Roles of interbasin frequency changes in the poleward shifts of the maximum intensity location of tropical cyclones’Kossin, James P; Emanuel, Kerry A; Vecchi, Gabriel A
1-Feb-2015Radiation, Cancer, and Mutation in the Atomic AgeCreager, Angela NH
2021Privacy Policies over Time: Curation and Analysis of a Million-Document DatasetAmos, Ryan; Acar, Gunes; Lucherini, Elena; Kshirsagar, Mihir; Narayanan, Arvind, et al
2009Object Storage on CRAQ: High-Throughput Chain Replication for Read-Mostly WorkloadsTerrace, Jeff; Freedman, Michael J
2020Optimization of Simultaneous Measurement for Variational Quantum Eigensolver ApplicationsGokhale, Pranav; Angiuli, Olivia; Ding, Yongshan; Gui, Kaiwen; Tomesh, Teague, et al