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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
2021New separations results for external informationBraverman, Mark; Minzer, Dor
28-Nov-2017Rokubacteria: Genomic Giants among the Uncultured Bacterial PhylaBecraft, Eric D; Woyke, Tanja; Jarett, Jessica; Ivanova, Natalia; Godoy-Vitorino, Filipa, et al
1-Jan-2018Optimal learning for stochastic optimization with nonlinear parametric belief modelsHe, X; Powell, William B
4-May-2016The CpxQ sRNA Negatively Regulates Skp To Prevent Mistargeting of β-Barrel Outer Membrane Proteins into the Cytoplasmic MembraneGrabowicz, Marcin; Koren, Daria; Silhavy, Thomas J
2020Nonparametric Bayesian multiarmed bandits for single-cell experiment designCamerlenghi, Federico; Dumitrascu, Bianca; Ferrari, Federico; Engelhardt, Barbara E; Favaro, Stefano
1-Jun-2016The Roles of Radiative Forcing, Sea Surface Temperatures, and Atmospheric and Land Initial Conditions in U.S. Summer Warming EpisodesJia, Liwei; Vecchi, Gabriel A; Yang, Xiaosong; Gudgel, Richard G; Delworth, Thomas L, et al
1-Dec-2016Influences of Natural Variability and Anthropogenic Forcing on the Extreme 2015 Accumulated Cyclone Energy in the Western North PacificZhang, Wei; Vecchi, Gabriel A; Murakami, Hiroyuki; Villarini, Gabriele; Delworth, Thomas L, et al
7-Sep-2017Erratum for Edwards et al., “Draft Genome Sequence of Uncultured Upland Soil Cluster Gammaproteobacteria Gives Molecular Insights into High-Affinity Methanotrophy”Edwards, Collin R; Onstott, Tullis C; Miller, Jennifer M; Wiggins, Jessica B; Wang, Wei, et al
Jan-2018Heterogeneity adjustment with applications to graphical model inference.Fan, Jianqing; Liu, Han; Wang, Weichen; Zhu, Ziwei
22-Mar-2016Augmented Factor Models with Applications to Validating Market Risk Factors and Forecasting Bond Risk PremiaFan, Jianqing; Ke, Yuan; Liao, Yuan