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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
Mar-2013Heegard–Berger and Cascade Source Coding Problems With Common Reconstruction ConstraintsAhmadi, Behzad; Tandon, Ravi; Simeone, Osvaldo; Poor, H Vincent
Jan-2012Life on the edge: immigrants confront the American health systemPortes, Alejandro; Fernández-Kelly, Patricia; Light, Donald
Mar-2018Degraded Broadcast Channel with Secrecy Outside a Bounded RangeZou, Shaofeng; Liang, Yingbin; Lai, Lifeng; Poor, H Vincent; Shamai, Shlomo
18-Nov-2011Measurement Matrix Design for Compressive Sensing–Based MIMO RadarYu, Yao; Petropulu, Athina P; Poor, H Vincent
2018Approximate Nash region of the Gaussian interference channel with noisy output feedbackQuintero, V; Perlaza, SM; Gorce, JM; Vincent Poor, H
2018Securing Downlink Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Systems by Trusted RelaysArafa, A; Shin, W; Vaezi, M; Poor, HV
Dec-1982The Coloring of Relations: Die Wahlverwandtschaften as FarbenlehreBrodsky, Claudia
13-Oct-2019Racial Innocence: Law, Social Science, and the Unknowing of Racism in the US Carceral StateMurakawa, Naomi
Jun-2018Escaping Malthus: Economic Growth and Fertility Change in the Developing World.Chatterjee, Shoumitro; Vogl, Tom S.
Jan-2016Cost Minimization of Charging Stations With Photovoltaics: An Approach With EV ClassificationTushar, Wayes; Yuen, Chau; Huang, Shisheng; Smith, David B; Poor, H Vincent