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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
Dec-2014Holographic light quark jet quenching at RHIC and LHC via the shooting stringsFicnar, Andrej; Gubser, Steven S; Gyulassy, Miklos
Dec-2018Dissociable neural mechanisms track evidence accumulation for selection of attention versus actionShenhav, Amitai; Straccia, Mark A.; Musslick, Sebastian; Cohen, Jonathan D.; Botvinick, Matthew M.
26-Apr-2017The effect of atomoxetine on random and directed exploration in humansWarren, Christopher M.; Wilson, Robert C.; van der Wee, Nic J.; Giltay, Eric J.; van Noorden, Martijn S., et al
Sep-2014Anterior cingulate engagement in a foraging context reflects choice difficulty, not foraging valueShenhav, Amitai; Straccia, Mark A.; Cohen, Jonathan D.; Botvinick, Matthew M.
2012EEG Oscillations Reveal Neural Correlates of Evidence Accumulationvan Vugt, M.K.; Simen, P.; Nystrom, Leigh E.; Holmes, Philip J.; Cohen, Jonathan D.
Dec-2016Neural evidence of the strategic choice between working memory and episodic memory in prospective rememberingLewis-Peacock, Jarrod A.; Cohen, Jonathan D.; Norman, Kenneth A.
2014Humans use directed and random exploration to solve the explore–exploit dilemma.Wilson, Robert C.; Geana, Andra; White, John M.; Ludvig, Elliot A.; Cohen, Jonathan D.
13-Mar-2014Lateralized Readiness Potentials Reveal Properties of a Neural Mechanism for Implementing a Decision Thresholdvan Vugt, Marieke K.; Simen, Patrick; Nystrom, Leigh E.; Holmes, Philip J.; Cohen, Jonathan D.
Jun-2015Money Earlier or Later? Simple Heuristics Explain Intertemporal Choices Better Than Delay Discounting DoesMarzilli Ericson, Keith M.; White, John Myles; Laibson, David; Cohen, Jonathan D.
May-2016The Sovereign-Bank Diabolic Loop and ESBiesBrunnermeier, Markus K.; Garicano, Luis; Lane, Philip R.; Pagano, Marco; Reis, Ricardo, et al