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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
Jan-2018First results on the cluster galaxy population from the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam survey. II. Faint end color-magnitude diagrams and radial profiles of red and blue galaxies at 0.1 < z < 1.1Nishizawa, Atsushi J; Oguri, Masamune; Oogi, Taira; More, Surhud; Nishimichi, Takahiro, et al
11-Sep-2013Characterizing the dynamics of rubella relative to measles: the role of stochasticityRozhnova, G.; Metcalf, C. Jessica E.; Grenfell, Bryan T.
Apr-2014Characterizing unknown systematics in large scale structure surveysAgarwal, N; Ho, S; Myers, AD; Seo, HJ; Ross, AJ, et al
Apr-2017Detecting Effects of Filaments on Galaxy Properties in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey IIIChen, Y-C; Ho, S; Mandelbaum, R; Bahcall, Neta A.; Brownstein, JR, et al
Feb-2017Comparative dynamics, seasonality in transmission, and predictability of childhood infections in MexicoMahmud, Ayesha S.; Metcalf, C. Jessica E.; Grenfell, Bryan T.
11-Apr-2014Tracing mass and light in the Universe: where is the dark matter?Bahcall, Neta A.; Kulier, A
6-Apr-2016Correction: Routine Pediatric Enterovirus 71 Vaccination in China: a Cost-Effectiveness AnalysisWu, Joseph T.; Jit, Mark; Zheng, Yaming; Leung, Kathy; Xing, Weijia, et al
1-Sep-2012The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Cosmological implications of the large-scale two-point correlation functionSánchez, AG; Scóccola, CG; Ross, AJ; Percival, W; Manera, M, et al
May-2015Sloan Digital Sky Survey III photometric quasar clustering: Probing the initial conditions of the UniverseHo, S; Agarwal, N; Myers, AD; Lyons, R; Disbrow, A, et al
5-Oct-2009The Shifting Demographic Landscape of InfluenzaBansal, Shweta; Pourbohloul, Babak; Hupert, Nathaniel; Grenfell, Bryan T.; Meyers, Lauren Ancel