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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
2016Families of L-Functions and Their SymmetrySarnak, Peter C; Shin, Sug Woo; Templier, Nicolas
2016Topologies of nodal sets of random band limited functionsSarnak, Peter C; Wigman, Igor
2016Local Statistics of Lattice Points on the SphereBourgain, Jean; Sarnak, Peter C; Rudnick, Zeev
2016Morse index and multiplicity of min-max minimal hypersurfacesCoda Marques, Fernando; Neves, André
2016Variants of Normality for Noetherian SchemesKollar, Janos
2016Maximum independent sets on random regular graphsDing, Jian; Sly, Allan M.; Sun, Nike
2016The number of solutions for random regular NAE-SATSly, Allan M.; Sun, Nike; Zhang, Yumeng
2016Scaling limit and cube-root fluctuations in SOS surfaces above a wallCaputo, P; Lubetzky, Eyal; Martinelli, Fabio; Sly, Allan M.; Toninelli, FL
2016Fitting a Sobolev function to data IFefferman, Charles L.; Israel, Arie; Luli, Garving
2016Fitting a Sobolev function to data IIIFefferman, Charles L.; Israel, Arie; Luli, Garving K
2016Reliable Communication over Highly Connected Noisy NetworksAlon, Noga; Braverman, Mark; Efremenko, Klim; Gelles, Ran; Haeupler, Bernhard
2016What is the Probability that a Random Integral Quadratic Form in n Variables has an Integral Zero?Bhargava, Manjul; Cremona, John E.; Fisher, Tom; Jones, Nick G.; Keating, Jonathan P.
Dec-2015A geometric spectral sequence in Khovanov homologySzabo, Zoltan
5-Nov-2015Analyticity of Lagrangian trajectories for well posed inviscid incompressible fluid modelsConstantin, Peter; Vicol, Vlad C.; Wu, Jiahong
Nov-2015Uniform nonextendability from netsNaor, Assaf
Nov-2015Coloring perfect graphs with no balanced skew-partitionsChudnovsky, Maria; Trotignon, Nicolas; Trunck, Théophile; Vuskovic, Kristina
Nov-2015Edge-colouring eight-regular planar graphsChudnovsky, Maria; Edwards, Katherine; Seymour, Paul D.
Nov-2015Edge-colouring seven-regular planar graphsChudnovsky, Maria; Edwards, Katherine; Kawarabayashi, Ken-ichi; Seymour, Paul D.
Oct-2015A remark on the kernel of the CR Paneitz operatorCase, Jeffrey S.; Chanillo, Sagun; Yang, Paul C.