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Forecasting the Primary Dimension of Social Perception: Symbolic and Realistic Threats Together Predict Warmth in the Stereotype Content Model

Author(s): Kervyn, Nicolas; Fiske, Susan T.; Yzerbyt, Vincent

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dc.contributor.authorKervyn, Nicolas-
dc.contributor.authorFiske, Susan T.-
dc.contributor.authorYzerbyt, Vincent-
dc.identifier.citationKervyn, N, Fiske, S, Yzerbyt, V. (2015). Forecasting the primary dimension of social perception: Symbolic and realistic threats together predict warmth in the stereotype content model. Social Psychology, 46 (1), 36 - 45. doi:10.1027/1864-9335/a000219en_US
dc.description.abstractThe Stereotype Content Model (SCM) posits two fundamental dimensions of intergroup perception, warmth and competence, predicted by social-structural dimensions of competition and status, respectively. However, the SCM has been challenged on claiming perceived competition as the socio-structural dimension that predicts perceived warmth. The current research improves by broadening warmth’s predictor (competition) to include both realistic and symbolic threat from Integrated Threat Theory (Study 1). We also measure two components of the warmth dimension: sociability and morality. Study 2 tests new items to measure both threat and warmth. The new threat items significantly improve prediction of warmth, compared with standard SCM items. Morality and sociability correlate highly and do not differ much in their predictability by competition/threat.en_US
dc.format.extent36 - 45en_US
dc.relation.ispartofSocial Psychologyen_US
dc.rightsAuthor's manuscripten_US
dc.titleForecasting the Primary Dimension of Social Perception: Symbolic and Realistic Threats Together Predict Warmth in the Stereotype Content Modelen_US
dc.typeJournal Articleen_US

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