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The electronics, trigger and data acquisition system for the liquid argon time projection chamber of the DarkSide-50 search for dark matter

Author(s): Agnes, P; Albuquerque, IFM; Alexander, T; Alton, AK; Arisaka, K; et al

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Abstract: The DarkSide-50 experiment at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso is a search for dark matter using a dual phase time projection chamber with 50 kg of low radioactivity argon as target. Light signals from interactions in the argon are detected by a system of 38 photo-multiplier tubes (PMTs), 19 above and 19 below the TPC volume inside the argon cryostat. We describe the electronics which processes the signals from the photo-multipliers, the trigger system which identifies events of interest, and the data-acquisition system which records the data for further analysis. The electronics include resistive voltage dividers on the PMTs, custom pre-amplifiers mounted directly on the PMT voltage dividers in the liquid argon, and custom amplifier/discriminators (at room temperature). After amplification, the PMT signals are digitized in CAEN waveform digitizers, and CAEN logic modules are used to construct the trigger; the data acquisition system for the TPC is based on the Fermilab artdaq software. The system has been in operation since early 2014.
Publication Date: Dec-2017
Electronic Publication Date: 11-Dec-2017
Citation: Agnes, P, Albuquerque, IFM, Alexander, T, Alton, AK, Arisaka, K, Asner, DM, Ave, M, Back, HO, Baldin, B, Biery, K, Bocci, V, Bonfini, G, Bonivento, W, Bossa, M, Bottino, B, Brigatti, A, Brodsky, J, Budano, F, Bussino, S, Cadeddu, M, Cadoni, M, Calaprice, F, Canci, N, Candela, A, Cao, H, Caravati, M, Cariello, M, Carlini, M, Catalanotti, S, Cataudella, V, Cavalcante, P, Chepurnov, A, Cicalo, C, Cocco, AG, Covone, G, Crippa, L, D Angelox, D, D Incecco, M, Daviniqw, S, de Candia, A, De Cecco, S, De Deo, M, De Filippis, G, De Rosa, G, De Vincenzian, M, Derbin, A, Devotog, A, Di Eusanio, F, Dionisi, C, Di Pietrow, G, Edkins, E, Emp, A, Fan, A, Fiorillo, G, Fomenko, K, Forster, G, Franco, D, Gabriele, F, Galbiati, C, Giagu, S, Giganti, C, Giovanetti, GK, Goretti, AM, Granato, F, Grandi, L, Gromov, M, Guan, M, Guardincerri, Y, Hackett, BR, Herner, KR, Hughes, D, Humble, P, Hungerford, EV, Lanni, A, Lanni, A, James, I, Johnson, TN, Keeter, K, Kendziora, CL, Kobychev, V, Koh, G, Korablev, D, Korga, G, Kubankin, A, Li, X, Lissia, M, Loer, B, Lornbardi, P, Longo, G, Luitz, S, Ma, Y, Machado, A, Machulin, IN, Mandarano, A, Mari, SM, Maricic, J, Marini, L, Martoff, CJ, Meyers, PD, Miletic, T, Milincic, R, Montanari, D, Monte, A, Montuschi, M, Monzani, ME, Mosteiro, P, Mount, BJ, Muratova, VN, Musico, P, Agasson, A Navrer, Nelson, A, Odrowski, S, Oleinik, A, Orsini, M, Orticaah, F, Pagani, L, Pallavicini, M, Pantic, E, Parmeggiano, S, Pelczar, K, Pelliccia, N, Pocar, A, Pordes, S, Pugachev, DA, Qian, H, Randle, K, Ranucci, G, Razeti, M, Razeto, A, Reinhold, B, Renshaw, AL, Rescigno, M, Riffard, Q, Romaniah, A, Rossi, B, Rossi, N, Rountree, SD, Sablone, D, Saggese, P, Saldanha, R, Sands, W, Sangiorgio, S, Savarese, C, Schlitzer, B, Segreto, E, Semenov, DA, Shields, E, Singh, PN, Skorokhvatov, MD, Smirnov, O, Sotnikov, A, Stanford, C, Suvorov, Y, Tartaglia, R, Tatarowicz, J, Testera, G, Tonazzo, A, Trinchese, P, Unzhakov, EV, Verducci, M, Vishneva, A, Vogelaar, RB, Wada, M, Walker, S, Wang, H, Wang, Y, Watson, AW, Westerdale, S, Wojcik, MM, Xiang, X, Xiao, X, Xu, J, Yang, C, Yoo, J, Zavatarelli, S, Zec, A, Zhong, W, Zhu, C, Zuzel, G. (2017). The electronics, trigger and data acquisition system for the liquid argon time projection chamber of the DarkSide-50 search for dark matter. JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION, 12 (10.1088/1748-0221/12/12/P12011
DOI: doi:10.1088/1748-0221/12/12/P12011
ISSN: 1748-0221
Type of Material: Journal Article
Version: Author's manuscript

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