Thaumarchaea Genome Sequences from a High Arctic Active Layer
Author(s): Sun, Emily WH; Hajirezaie, Sassan; Dooner, Mackenzie; Vishnivetskaya, Tatiana A; Layton, Alice; et al
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Abstract: | The role of archaeal ammonia oxidizers often exceeds that of bacterial ammonia oxidizers in marine and terrestrial environments but has been understudied in permafrost, where thawing has the potential to release ammonia. Here, three thaumarchaea genomes were assembled and annotated from metagenomic data sets from carbon-poor Canadian High Arctic active-layer cryosols. |
Publication Date: | 21-May-2020 |
Citation: | Sun, Emily Wei-Hsin, Sassan Hajirezaie, Mackenzie Dooner, Tatiana A. Vishnivetskaya, Alice Layton, Archana Chauhan, Susan M. Pfiffner, Lyle G. Whyte, Tullis C. Onstott, and Maggie C.Y. Lau. "Thaumarchaea Genome Sequences from a High Arctic Active Layer." Microbiology Resource Announcements 9, no. 21 (2020). doi:10.1128/MRA.00326-20. |
DOI: | doi:10.1128/MRA.00326-20 |
EISSN: | 2576-098X |
Type of Material: | Journal Article |
Journal/Proceeding Title: | Microbiology Resource Announcements |
Version: | Final published version. This is an open access article. |
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